BREXIT - Is This Really Still Rumbling On? 😴



  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,231
    I see we're back into building factories again. Will there be any shellfish manufacturers left by time we've found suitable sites, undertaken feasibility studies, gained planning, appointed a Contractor and finally built and fitted out the factory? I suppose we might get lucky and find a suitable facility in the right location that can be converted and fitted out so do it within a year or two instead of 5-10 years.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,664
    (technically...not true. Bringing a pork pie from Belfast is fine. Now, It would be correct to say that that 'It is currently easier for a South African to bring Covid into Belfast, that for a British person to bring a pork pie... #pedant #MaybeIHaveTheMakingsOfACustomsAgentAfterAll)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,231

    Some amazing insight in this if you want to read it. Philip Hammond being very open about May and Brexit.

    Seems quite clear to me that no-one in the cabinet was at all consulted about the strategy and direction the gov't took towards brexit.

    For all this talk of von der Leyden going rogue, May did pretty much exactly the same thing - didn't even consult the chancellor of all people!

    Wish he'd become Tory leader. It would be nice to have a serious politician in charge but would probably be considered too boring in these days where it's all about "personality".
  • Pross said:

    I see we're back into building factories again. Will there be any shellfish manufacturers left by time we've found suitable sites, undertaken feasibility studies, gained planning, appointed a Contractor and finally built and fitted out the factory? I suppose we might get lucky and find a suitable facility in the right location that can be converted and fitted out so do it within a year or two instead of 5-10 years.

    Wouldn’t it be more sustainable to use the money to dig a big hole and then fill it in again and then start over?

    There must be a better use for public funds than buildings a factory to wash shellfish that will shorten their shelf life so that they are still unexportable.

    FFS those tvvats have been mocked on here for the fact that they exported their catch to the EU and that they were voting to destroy their livelihoods. If we knew how could they have not known?
  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965
    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    How does the UK government go about making a plant? Are you talking about a nationalised industry or a subsidy? What does industry do in the meantime?

    I don't think there's any bluff about this. It's either in the deal and we agreed to it, or we just didn't do our due diligence and missed it.
    Instead of asking each individual supplier to put in place a 1 million pound plant to treat shellfish just set it up then sell off the contract to manage it and get your money in depreciation back in the fees to each seller wanting their product processed. UK government breaks even and the UK fisherman get their product processed for a similar fee to the current EU suppliers. Consider it a big cooperative. There is a million ways to skin a cat here. The EU are not willing to review their procedures in April so why are we interested in their best interests as its clear they are not interested in ours. I recon if you wanted to you could have this up and running in April/May using an existing warehouse somewhere logistically sensible.
    From that article "The only way we can get them out of the country is if we purify them, but then the shelf life goes down a lot."
    Maybe a product idea is a trailer that does the depuration during transport. By the time you get to Spain your product is treated and ready for market. I am sure the EU would block this as they would make you wait the full 48 hours on UK soil. Overnight ferry to Spain might sort this out.
    I'm no expert, but it sounds like it might be prohibitively expensive to have the pumps, water circulation etc on each truckload. Maybe suggest it to them, see what they say.
    Plus i imagine you need a freshwater supply...when you're surrounded by sea.
    Nope. It is seawater that does the process.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,178

    Pross said:

    I see we're back into building factories again. Will there be any shellfish manufacturers left by time we've found suitable sites, undertaken feasibility studies, gained planning, appointed a Contractor and finally built and fitted out the factory? I suppose we might get lucky and find a suitable facility in the right location that can be converted and fitted out so do it within a year or two instead of 5-10 years.

    Wouldn’t it be more sustainable to use the money to dig a big hole and then fill it in again and then start over?

    There must be a better use for public funds than buildings a factory to wash shellfish that will shorten their shelf life so that they are still unexportable.

    FFS those tvvats have been mocked on here for the fact that they exported their catch to the EU and that they were voting to destroy their livelihoods. If we knew how could they have not known?
    potential benefit from brexit...

    ...let's hope it becomes reality

    fishermen don't like it of course, some people are never happy
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • elbowloh
    elbowloh Posts: 7,078

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Felt F1 2014
    Felt Z6 2012
    Red Arthur Caygill steel frame
  • Jezyboy
    Jezyboy Posts: 3,538

    Love this

    The facial expression at the end haha. 👌🏻👌🏻
    Are we really saying that what Labour need to do to win power is to be more metropolitan Liberal elite?

    Because I think that's clucking stupid.
  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965
    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    I am all those involved in shellfish will want some dole payments. Think of it as an investment.😀
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,151
    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
    What on earth is wrong with students paying more towards their tuition than the general tax payer?
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • elbowloh
    elbowloh Posts: 7,078
    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
    It wasn't logic, it was a joke.
    Felt F1 2014
    Felt Z6 2012
    Red Arthur Caygill steel frame
  • elbowloh
    elbowloh Posts: 7,078
    john80 said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    I am all those involved in shellfish will want some dole payments. Think of it as an investment.😀
    Now that is just a but cnutish.
    Felt F1 2014
    Felt Z6 2012
    Red Arthur Caygill steel frame
  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965
    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
    What on earth is wrong with students paying more towards their tuition than the general tax payer?
    They do when they statistically earn more. If they don't earn more they never pay it back. But don't let that stand in the way of your argument.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,151
    john80 said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    I am all those involved in shellfish will want some dole payments. Think of it as an investment.😀
    We've already established that the UK fishing industry as a whole employs a tiny number of people. The winding up of Debenhams puts more jobs at risk. Perhaps we should nationalise them, too. And Topshop. Hell, let's publicly own every dead end business just to keep Comrade80 happy.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,604
    Pross said:

    I see we're back into building factories again. Will there be any shellfish manufacturers left by time we've found suitable sites, undertaken feasibility studies, gained planning, appointed a Contractor and finally built and fitted out the factory? I suppose we might get lucky and find a suitable facility in the right location that can be converted and fitted out so do it within a year or two instead of 5-10 years.

    You know about the birds and the bees?
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,178
    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
    so far i'm ok with both proposals :smiley:
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965
    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    I am all those involved in shellfish will want some dole payments. Think of it as an investment.😀
    We've already established that the UK fishing industry as a whole employs a tiny number of people. The winding up of Debenhams puts more jobs at risk. Perhaps we should nationalise them, too. And Topshop. Hell, let's publicly own every dead end business just to keep Comrade80 happy.
    Last time I checked the high streets decline was not related to Brexit and has been a long term issue but good try. The EU have engineered a situation to make the UK shellfish industry uncompetitive. There is a lot of logic in supporting that industry with a short injection of support. Do you not find it funny that they were happy importing shellfish and processing it before January. Its as logical as seizing cheese and ham sandwiches.

  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,178

    Pross said:

    I see we're back into building factories again. Will there be any shellfish manufacturers left by time we've found suitable sites, undertaken feasibility studies, gained planning, appointed a Contractor and finally built and fitted out the factory? I suppose we might get lucky and find a suitable facility in the right location that can be converted and fitted out so do it within a year or two instead of 5-10 years.

    You know about the birds and the bees?
    had you not heard about the bees?
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • elbowloh
    elbowloh Posts: 7,078
    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    I am all those involved in shellfish will want some dole payments. Think of it as an investment.😀
    We've already established that the UK fishing industry as a whole employs a tiny number of people. The winding up of Debenhams puts more jobs at risk. Perhaps we should nationalise them, too. And Topshop. Hell, let's publicly own every dead end business just to keep Comrade80 happy.
    He actually doesn't give a shot about people's livelihoods, he just wants to give the impression that all these problems are easily solved and we should get over it.

    Feck'em if they end up on the dole, it's their fault for not being clever enough to find a decent job, make prior adjustments to the deal (even though it was last minute) and for believing that the government was acting in their best interests.
    Felt F1 2014
    Felt Z6 2012
    Red Arthur Caygill steel frame
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,151
    edited February 2021
    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
    What on earth is wrong with students paying more towards their tuition than the general tax payer?
    They do when they statistically earn more. If they don't earn more they never pay it back. But don't let that stand in the way of your argument.
    Most of them do earn more.

    I know you hate Tony Blair, but that was a policy both major parties supported.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965
    Pross said:

    I see we're back into building factories again. Will there be any shellfish manufacturers left by time we've found suitable sites, undertaken feasibility studies, gained planning, appointed a Contractor and finally built and fitted out the factory? I suppose we might get lucky and find a suitable facility in the right location that can be converted and fitted out so do it within a year or two instead of 5-10 years.

    They probably will with that can do attitude. In all seriousness it would take longer to get the paperwork in place than sort out the process and equipment from reading a research paper on how it's done. I have done nuclear engineering jobs quicker than your timescales and that is a slow and heavily regulated industry.
  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965
    sungod said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
    so far i'm ok with both proposals :smiley:
    I am sure it won't be too hard to find an example that impoverishes you unless you vote green because they have literally achieved naff all.
  • elbowloh
    elbowloh Posts: 7,078
    sungod said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
    so far i'm ok with both proposals :smiley:
    Me too actually.

    Turns out Blair was more Tory than most Tories.
    Felt F1 2014
    Felt Z6 2012
    Red Arthur Caygill steel frame
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,151
    john80 said:

    Pross said:

    I see we're back into building factories again. Will there be any shellfish manufacturers left by time we've found suitable sites, undertaken feasibility studies, gained planning, appointed a Contractor and finally built and fitted out the factory? I suppose we might get lucky and find a suitable facility in the right location that can be converted and fitted out so do it within a year or two instead of 5-10 years.

    They probably will with that can do attitude. In all seriousness it would take longer to get the paperwork in place than sort out the process and equipment from reading a research paper on how it's done. I have done nuclear engineering jobs quicker than your timescales and that is a slow and heavily regulated industry.
    I take it you've not been involved with the UK planning system, then?
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,774

    Stevo_666 said:

    john80 said:

    Gotta love all the brexiteers coming up with creative ways to hop better now that we've hacked one leg off :*

    Harping on about how we deserve what we got is certainly going to assist us going forwards.
    This appears to be the main point of the thread for some people now.
    LOL - that is the first time that you to have admitted something bad has come of Brexit.

    It is not a matter of getting what you deserve it is a matter of getting what you voted for. I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall but this is what happens when you leave the SM/CU there will be less choice and some things will be more expensive and some businesses will go bust.

    Don't go weak on me now, a few weeks ago you were both shouting from the rooftops about there being a price worth paying for sovereignty.

    Don't you think it only fair that the heaviest price should be borne by those who value sovereignty the highest.
    I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion from what I said?
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,178
    john80 said:

    sungod said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Can all those that voted for Tony Blair in 98 be charged for all students tuition fees for ever more. That should bankrupt most Labour voters. See where your logic goes.
    so far i'm ok with both proposals :smiley:
    I am sure it won't be too hard to find an example that impoverishes you unless you vote green because they have literally achieved naff all.
    i dunno, i support your suggestion and get spurned

    i've no issue with those who vote for it paying for it, perfectly fair vs. the innocent paying for everyone else's bad choices

    personally i'd also happily pay whatever the claimed uk cost per head of eu membership was in return for getting my rights back
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Whilst that is not possible you could target the demographics who voted to Leave, pensioners, northerners, fish, farmers.

    In reality that means replacing triple lock with CPI, sod levelling up and stop compensating people who voted to destroy their own livelihood
  • david37
    david37 Posts: 1,313
    Jezyboy said:

    Love this

    The facial expression at the end haha. 👌🏻👌🏻
    Are we really saying that what Labour need to do to win power is to be more metropolitan Liberal elite?

    Because I think that's clucking stupid.
    No I think they should get momentum front and center and driving it. At least they are clear about what they stand for, theyll drain the swamp. More momentum is whats required. get rid of Keir and those wannabe tories and get to proper socialist policies.
  • david37
    david37 Posts: 1,313

    elbowloh said:

    john80 said:

    rjsterry said:

    john80 said:

    elbowloh said:

    More of the fishing industry front - from Fishing News!

    All live mollusc exports to the EU banned indefinitely. Not teething problems either. Industry was told that this would all be solved when new EU legislation is due to come in April 2021, but that is not the case. The UK does not have the means here to process the catch before shipping.

    censored business and censored you fishermen/women.

    If the UK government was smart it would call the EU's bluff and make a single UK plant for all UK shellfish then only export product compliant with the EU. EU business loses out on jobs and we gain. Its not that hard.
    Nationalising shellfish production? Jeepers, how much of a full blown socialist are you?
    Sometimes if you want something done quickly the deep pockets of government and the creativity of the engineering sector can get things done. Its not like we don't know how the EU plants are constructed or the technology basic as this is.
    can you really find nothing more important to spend our taxes on?
    Maybe there should be additional tax levy on those who voted for Brexit to pay for all Brexit related costs?
    Whilst that is not possible you could target the demographics who voted to Leave, pensioners, northerners, fish, farmers.

    In reality that means replacing triple lock with CPI, sod levelling up and stop compensating people who voted to destroy their own livelihood
    Sounds like a plan.

    Not from the homecounties? 10% tax increase
    OVer 50? No rona vaccine for you
    White male over 50 from up t north. No pension, no nhs, no vote.

    liberal handwringing bedwetter? Pay rise and eternal thanks for your enormous intellects