Bottom Bracket Cable Guide - Bob Jackson

davidbraith Posts: 4
edited September 2014 in Workshop
Hi All,
I am just in the process of building a Bob Jaclson Audax End to End. There are cable guides on the bottom bracket shell but I am concerned about the cable going to the front mechanism. As it is at the moment the cable will rub against the frame, is this normal/acceptable or should something to protect the frame and paintwork?


  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    Hopefully there should already be a hole drilled and tapped into the underside of the bottom bracket. If so you can then fit one of these ... -prod33951

    or some thing similar. Plenty of types around and different colours also.

    Not the end of the world if there is no tapped hole as you can simply stick the guide on with some Loctite or glue
  • I also have a BJ E to E purchased 5 yrs ago and suspect it's the same setup. Mine has the Cinelli BB shell with the covered cable guides and there are no problems with cable rub. Photos of the bike/cable would help to determine what would work to fix it.
  • Hi,
    I have attached a pic, any advise would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks,
  • Is the left hand cable run correctly, looks like a sharp angle over the middle piece of bracketry, perhaps it should run between it and the bb shell.
  • Hi,
    I did try that first, I will try that again and compare. Is the idea of running the cable over the shell like that OK? I was thinking of gluing a small tube as an outer for the cable.
  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    I have attached a pic, any advise would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    Definitely looks like your BB shell has integrated guides brazed on to it and for my money your cable routing looks OK. However like you I would be worried about the acute angle that the front mech cable follows around the BB shell. Looks like over time you would get some wear/damage to the paint work on the shell.

    I would be inclined to apply some helicopter tape or glue a small section of plastic sheeting onto the shell where that cable runs to protect it.

    The cable guide I linked to earlier would not work as it will foul the existing brazed guides.
  • Hi,
    I have attached a pic, any advise would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks,
    Ahh, OK that is different than mine. I don't have the second chainstay brace like yours does and the BB shell is a different design. Try calling BJ and let them know about the cable rub. They may have a special cable guide to fit or ?? To me the BB shell cable guides look wrong as the guide for the rear mech puts a kink in the routing as well. Not a big deal but it could have been designed better. You could do a number of tricks to protect the brace from the cable but IMO it's a flawed design. A generic bolt-on guide might be the solution but it still looks like it may have to be cut down a little to fit. If you contact BJ let us know the outcome.
  • Hi
    Not able to post picture but I have BJ 731 OS dating from 1992 with identical BB shell but without the second bracket between the stays. I run the cable between the shell and the brace that's part of the BB shell and works fine, no acute angles and no obvious cable rub (I do use wax when service). The rear cable is also fine with the cable guide - I use this bike for long journeys, sometimes with panniers, and always works fine.
    God luck.