Shimano 6700 Chainring shifter Lever (Internal Mechanism?))

MicroMart Posts: 6
edited September 2014 in Workshop

I have question about the "Left Hand" chain shifter lever (Shimano 6700).
When shifting the lever from small ring to big ring, there is a small metal lever that pops outwards on the inside of the lever.

If you do not push this small lever back in again then you are unable to shift back down again from big ring to small ring.

I have only noticed this issue since changing my lever hoods from the standard shimano hoods to Odi soft hudz.

It almost seems like the original more solid hoods stop this small lever from pushing outwards, where as the Odi hudz are soft and allow the lever to push outwards.

Has anybody had this issue themselves or can confirm that without the original hud this lever is supposed to push outwards ?

Picture and video links below for reference.

Video of action showing small metal internal lever popping out ... 278f63.mp4

Small metal internal lever popped out after main lever activation ... 448bd3.jpg

Internal View showing small metal lever in it's normal position ... 5376b6.jpg


  • Does any body have any answers to this ?

    If not can somebody just lift the hood out of the way as per my pictures and try the process as per my video to see what the little internal lever does.

  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    It is designed to return to its normal position. It is meant to be connected to a spring. It looks like the spring has come undone. It is fixable. ive done it before on my dura ace 7900 left shifter. But its quite fiddly.
  • Hey Trailflow,
    Thanks for the reply on this.
    That does make sense.
    I will have a look in more detail, but try not to fiddle to much that the insides blow out, then I will be in the @#@% :o)
  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    Looking at photo's of the 6700 left shifter on the web. They look slightly differently designed both internally and externally from 7900. There seems to be no access to the internals from the other side. So i dont think it will be as easy to fix. im not familiar with the 6700 so i cannot help you further.

    As a temporary fix you could try tying a couple of rubber bands around that metal lever and around the lever next to it, to help it spring back.
  • tonye_n
    tonye_n Posts: 832
    I have the same problem, and it only manifested itself after I swapped from the standard hoods to Hudz/ODI hoods.
    After careful examination, I too assumed that the issue must have been that I had lost a spring which would force the metal bit to return to original position after shifting from small to big ring.

    On reading your post, it now occurs to me that the original hoods would not have allowed the metal bit to move in the first place, as the hood shape would have forced this bit to stay in place.

    I'll have a look at a mate's 105 (5700) shifters over the weekend, as I think the design of the internal mechanism is similar.
    If no spring, then we can conclude that the issue is caused by the design of the ODI Hudz.
    (Which will be a shame, because that design feature is one of the selling points).
  • Hey Tonye_n,

    Thanks for your reply and feedback on this.

    I am truly starting to believe that the issue is indeed with the hudz design rather than the lever.

    Checking the lever I can find no spring or connection for such a spring.

    The origional hoods are so much stiffer across that area whereas the hudz are just a flap.

    I am going to contact Odi and see what they say.

    Update you soon and look forward to your checks.
  • ODI
    ODI Posts: 1
    Hello All Garnet from ODI here. I have the Ultegra 6700 on my CX bike and shot a video with the hood completely removed to prove the shifter does not need the original hood to shift correctly. I also shot a video with hudz installed to show that the shifter works perfectly. ... d7d1ca.mp4 ... a51e33.mp4
  • Hey Garnet,

    Thanks for taking the time to look into this.

    So it looks like there must be spring somewhere that returns the internal lever. :roll:

    I have tried asking Shimano about this but they are not as forthcoming in response as you have been.

    Looks like I will be having to send the lever back...Good job these levers have a two year warranty. :lol:

    If anybody has stripped one of these down and knows how this internal lever works...Please do tell.

    Thanks again.

    Odi hudz...Rock! :D
  • tonye_n
    tonye_n Posts: 832
    Hi All,

    I had the opportunity to examine Ultegra 6700 and 105 5700 big-ring shifters with original shimano hoods last weekend.

    I can confirm that the area of the internal mechanism that we are concerned about is simply exposed.
    The hoods do not cover that bit of the mechanism at all, and as such the theory that this hood design would prevent the shifting problems is false.

    There must be a spring or other retention system to force the shifter to return after moving he mech from small to big ring.

    ODI design not at fault at all.