Clubs & under-16s

briantrumpet Posts: 19,372
edited March 2014 in Road general
My club is just getting enthusiastically into Go-Ride, and we're wondering what other clubs do about under-16s on club rides of any sort, for the older young riders (say 14-15) who want to progress onto road-based rides. Obviously Go-Ride coaching is not on public roads, and up till now we've always said if under-16s want to come on our gentle intro rides, they must be accompanied by a parent. It would be interesting/helpful to hear of other clubs' approaches, if you wouldn't mind sharing...


  • You could give British Cycling a call. I cant recall the name of the chap I spoke to (and was a couple of years back) on a similar matter, but he was very helpful with straight forward pragmatic advice. In general terms the requirements for club rides and the like (so not coaching or anything with adult in authority) were less onerous than I had imagined.

    We ended up just directing under 16's to the couple of clubs that cater especially for them though.

  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    Our club is Go Ride, u16s learn grp riding skills on coaching sessions and fitness via club turbo nights, once up to speed, encouraged to come on a steady 2hr Saturday ride, so long as they can maintain a 13 or 14mph avg and have some spares and food, then all is fine, we must have contact details for parents in case of emg.

    I think BC 's advice is anyone over 12yo can ride with clubs and no open road coaching.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    As above - but we usually ask for u16 riders to be accompanied by parent/guardian, or have a nominated adult to ride with them or to stay back with them if necessary.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,372
    Thanks all. Will ask BC as well, but it seems a bit of a grey area, as the risk assessment side on open roads and with British weather is rather tricky to nail down. Obviously our first job is to keep them alive and in one piece, then, if we manage to do that, it's to help them progress as riders. It's the sort of thing that's fine until it all goes wrong ... and things can go terribly wrong in he blink of an eye on the road. It's one thing when it's yourself at risk, it's another when it's someone else's child.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,372
    Hmm, BC website has this:
    "Children and vulnerable adults should be included in as many suitable club activities as possible, this may include riding with adults on club rides. They help make them feel part of the club and can really benefit their riding. Not doing so may lead to them dropping out of cycling to the detriment of the sport, the club and the rider. A distinction should be drawn between rides organised specifically for young people and
    informal, casual rides.

    Rides specifically for children or vulnerable adults
    This type of ride will require at least one adult to be in charge and for others to accompany
    the group. The person leading the ride and any other adults in a supervisory role should be
    DBS checked as long as the rides occur on a frequent basis (see further guidance on DBS
    checks at SG 2.1).

    Rides that may include children or vulnerable adults
    Informal, casual rides will generally be open to anyone. Regardless of whether or not there is
    a ride leader appointed all riders have a duty of care to one another.
    If the same adults are taking responsibility for the children on every ride and on a frequent
    basis then the Club Welfare Officer should request DBS checks and conduct thorough
    recruitment checks for these individuals.
    Remember: Do not DBS check adults on club rides who are there only to ride and who have
    assumed no responsibility for children or vulnerable adults.
    So, whilst rightly encouraging children (U16s?) to join in appropriate rides, it doesn't mention specific ages, or how to risk assess for children on the open road - the Go-Ride risk assessment guidance and form is just for the coaching session venue. I'll carry on looking through the Go-Ride stuff (here), but it would still be helpful to hear others' practical experiences and views. I tend to veer towards caution, when other people's children are involved.