Rim brake caliper spacer

Jon_1976 Posts: 690
edited February 2014 in Workshop
I recently fitted some tiagra 4600 calipers to a defy 2 and encountered a slight problem. With a washer (2mm) fitted, the pad cartridge holders hit the fork whilst the cable is unattached. This made fitting the calipers a bit awkward, I had to remove the pad holders until the cable was attached.

Once the cable is attached, this 'problem' becomes less apparent as there is a small amount of clearance when the cable tension/pad spacer is set, and the qr allows the wheel to be removed.

Would it be ok to add a second spacer to give the pad holders sufficient clearance? I'm currently using the longest pivot nut.


  • Semantik
    Semantik Posts: 537
    Sounds a good idea to use an extra washer.
    So long as the pivot nut will still tighten down onto the pivot bolt all shoould be fine.
  • Jon_1976
    Jon_1976 Posts: 690
    Thanks mate