Sensa romagna special

MattDavis Posts: 3
edited August 2013 in Road buying advice
Hi all
After mainly running for fun for a few years, I've had a back injury needing a minor op (a discectomy). I think running is going on the back burner for a while as my spine needs to avoid constant jolting axial loads for a while. So I've caught the cycling bug and looking for an entry level road bike with geometry suited more to sportive style riding rather than racing. I currently ride a fairly upright Ridgeback comet hybrid. I've been looking at the sensa romagna special at merlin cycles due to the value for money and for something a bit different.
I can't quite work out whether the geometry suits what I'm looking for and I'm not going to be able to get up to Chorley to try it. Does anyone have any experience of them? I'll be primarily riding on the brake hoods and was just wondering whether anyone could comment on the reach. Has anyone flipped the stem and does it make much difference? Merlin have said it is a fairly comfortable long distance machine.
Any help much appreciated! Thanks for reading.


  • Looking at the chart it has a short top tube and a long head tube for the given size. So will give you an upright position, flipping the stem does make a difference. A couple of cm makes alot of difference in bike fit , so you need the right size to start with. As you have a back problem sitting on the bike would be best , or go for a bike fit.
  • Thanks for that. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but in general, as long as you get the correct frame size estimated for height and leg length is it likely a bike shop could set it up to fit you properly? I got the impression the Romagna geometry was not particularly outlandish. Hope that makes sense!
  • Yes size charts work quite well for most people. But small changes in reach and drop to the bars can be the difference between, I can not ride this thing or happy days in the saddle. So if your not sure what size you want going for a ride is the best way. That said if you are in the ball park stem swaps, spacers should sort you out. A good bike shop will do this for you buy mail order and your by yourself.