campag scirocco or mavic cosmic elite

vespario Posts: 228
edited July 2013 in Road buying advice
After some low cost wheels to help with my time trialling. These two are on offer.
Campags less than £200 and mavics £265.



  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    The aero benefit of those is negligible... if you need new wheels, fair enough, but if they are an upgrade for time trialling, save your money... they won't save you time
    left the forum March 2023
  • chazh
    chazh Posts: 33
    I can't compare the two, and wouldn't dare to argue with Ugo on anything to do with wheels, but I have just bought a pair of Sciroccos to replace the stock wheels that came with my Via Nirone.

    Dubious performance improvement claims aside, they seem much stiffer, are a goodly amount lighter (550g+) and feel like they spin up and hold speed very nicely. Oh, and they make a really aerodynamic whooshing noise, so they've got to be quicker, innit. :)

    Can't really quantify the performance benefits based on that, but I am very happy with them.
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    H Plus Son Archtypes on 105 hubs (Shimano) or Miche hubs (Campag).

    They won't help your TT but are relatively cheap and will LOOK as aero as your stated options. With the added benefit of being able to be maintained
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')