Most pointless bit of cycle path?

dai_t75 Posts: 189
edited July 2013 in Road general
I cycle past this little section quite often and always shake my head:,+United+Kingdom&t=m&layer=c&cbll=51.503915,-3.559226&panoid=ANVbyqQt08C-Gsgf-Z2ICA&cbp=12,343.39,,0,22.5&z=15

I just can't imagine when it would ever be used? I'm guessing it is trying to get cyclists coming from the roundabout to cross over onto the shared pathway, but it just seems completely pointless and I have never seen a single person use it. Even if you did want to cross to the shared pathway why would you bother going onto that little section first?

Anyone else know of any stupid/ridiculous bits of cycle track?


  • jscl
    jscl Posts: 1,015
    One of these types of lanes I pass nearly everyday in Manchester: ... 4,,0,11.93

    Never seen it be used, completely pointless :)
    Follow me on Twitter - - All posts are strictly my personal view.
  • It's got to be said, what's the point in Wales.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • lawrences
    lawrences Posts: 1,011

    I found the shortest one I win :P
  • Frank Wilson
    Frank Wilson Posts: 930
    It's got to be said, what's the point in Wales.

    Ask the many thousands of Saes who clog the M56 / A55 every weekend trying to get out of Ingerlund and into Wales.
  • Dezcore
    Dezcore Posts: 34
    In Glasgow centre there is junction where they have the cyclist advance box and have at the left directly before it about 1.5m of Cycle path with its own mini white cycle on it. There is no other cycle path on the approach at all. No idea why they added it as I haven't seen it on other advance boxes. If I find it I'll link it.
  • dai_t75
    dai_t75 Posts: 189
    JSCL wrote:
    One of these types of lanes I pass nearly everyday in Manchester: ... 4,,0,11.93

    Never seen it be used, completely pointless :)

    Has it got its own set of lights!?
    It's got to be said, what's the point in Wales.

    Not sure if you're trolling or serious. If serious, I feel sorry for you with such pathetic views.
    lawrences wrote:

    I found the shortest one I win :P

    I actually laughed at that one - what were they thinking? I can't think of a purpose.
  • dai_t75 wrote:
    lawrences wrote:

    I found the shortest one I win :P
    I actually laughed at that one - what were they thinking? I can't think of a purpose.
    It's opposite a side road on what looks like a main road. I presume the idea's to pull into it then cross to the side road when the main road's clear. Must admit, there are a few turnings near me where I'd actually like to see similar because they're sufficiently busy and fast moving to mean moving over to the centre line isn't always possible to do in a genuinely safe manner, so I end up stopping opposite the turning and waiting for a gap.
  • kamiokande
    kamiokande Posts: 55
    dai_t75 wrote:
    JSCL wrote:
    One of these types of lanes I pass nearly everyday in Manchester: ... 4,,0,11.93

    Never seen it be used, completely pointless :)

    Has it got its own set of lights!?

    It looks like it has, in which case it does have a point. It allows a cyclist a bit of time ahead of the main lights to cross 3 lanes to turn right just up ahead. It may not get used much but I'd prefer to use that than to have to cross 3 lanes of fast moving traffic.
  • dai_t75
    dai_t75 Posts: 189
    dai_t75 wrote:
    lawrences wrote:

    I found the shortest one I win :P
    I actually laughed at that one - what were they thinking? I can't think of a purpose.
    It's opposite a side road on what looks like a main road. I presume the idea's to pull into it then cross to the side road when the main road's clear. Must admit, there are a few turnings near me where I'd actually like to see similar because they're sufficiently busy and fast moving to mean moving over to the centre line isn't always possible to do in a genuinely safe manner, so I end up stopping opposite the turning and waiting for a gap.

    Ah yes you may be right :oops: Actually sounds quite useful then :P
  • lawrences
    lawrences Posts: 1,011
    dai_t75 wrote:
    dai_t75 wrote:
    lawrences wrote:

    I found the shortest one I win :P
    I actually laughed at that one - what were they thinking? I can't think of a purpose.
    It's opposite a side road on what looks like a main road. I presume the idea's to pull into it then cross to the side road when the main road's clear. Must admit, there are a few turnings near me where I'd actually like to see similar because they're sufficiently busy and fast moving to mean moving over to the centre line isn't always possible to do in a genuinely safe manner, so I end up stopping opposite the turning and waiting for a gap.

    Ah yes you may be right :oops: Actually sounds quite useful then :P

    I don't quite understand how crossing 2 lanes of moving traffic is safer than one but it beats my previous theory that the metre long section of road it skips out is an accident blackspot for cyclists.
  • dai_t75
    dai_t75 Posts: 189
    lawrences wrote:

    I don't quite understand how crossing 2 lanes of moving traffic is safer than one but it beats my previous theory that the metre long section of road it skips out is an accident blackspot for cyclists.

    Just guessing... but on busy roads when you are trying to turn right and can't do so, I personally hate it and feel really vulnerable sat in the middle of the road waiting for a gap while the cars squeeze past on the left (even if you try not to leave room for them to do so). At least with that bit of pathway you can get off the road and wait for both lanes to be clear before turning? I can see what you are saying about crossing 2 lanes though.
  • Agreed Dai. There's one near me where the combination of the curvature of the road, the speed of the traffic, and general levels of traffic make it really tricky to even get to the centre of the road safely if it's a bit busy, so something to provide a bit of shelter at the side whilst waiting for a clear bit would be pretty welcome.

    On the subject of most stupid use of supposedly cycling friendly road wotsits, I nominate the cycle lanes through Ripley village. Whoever came up with these has clearly neither ridden a bike nor driven a car. The road's sufficiently narrow that you've got to completely ignore the cycle lane when driving or you won't give a cyclist anywhere near enough clearance, and when cycling you've got to hope that drivers do precisely that. Hell, you can't even go head to head in cars through there without a bit of thought when it's busy. Couple that with the slow speed of the traffic through there most of the time meaning that the safest policy for any cyclist in even vaguely reasonable shape (as the commuters and roadies who use it most tend to be) is to sit mid-lane and behave like a car and it really is the ultimate in stupid road markings.
  • The Warrington Cycle Campaign's Facility of the Month is always worth a laugh for bad cycle lanes.