Bib shorts - What do you use

matt@theforce Posts: 647
edited June 2013 in Road buying advice
I've had my 7pad Decathlon summer bib shorts for just over 1year now and up till now I've never had any comfort issues with them however since buying my latest bike I've noticed I get much hotter (than I remember) and have pains in front of my sit bones (after 40mins or so).
I'm using the same saddle that I had fitted to my road bike & its the same make/model as I have fitted to my MTB so I don't think its the saddle causing the problem, I also wear my Decathlon 7pad winter bibs on this bike as a test and the pain wasn't anywhere near as great.


What short bibs are people wearing around the £60-£70 mark? as I'm convinced thats what the problem is


  • dowtcha
    dowtcha Posts: 442
    Currently using dhb race and pro bibs, pro's construction is better than the race but not sure if they have different pad. Saddle is a troupe expert and i have no discomfort on 55 mile spins. It might just be that the pad is worn if you have been using just the one bibs for over a year. if you are considering a dhb then keep a eye on wiggle for reductions, when i bought mine they had a extra 20% off that weekend. I have read good reviews for Endura FS260 pro which are also in your price range.
  • northpole
    northpole Posts: 1,499
    I wear Assos bibs. They too only provide a limited life of optimal service before the toils of saddle impact and washing machine bashing take their tolls! I am probably lacking imagination/ demonstrating laziness by not trying out other brands - because I have found Assos comfortable, I haven't looked beyond.

    Similarly, if your Decathlon shorts have been comfortable, everything else being equal, I suspect the previous poster's comments may be spot on, and the padding on your shorts may now be less effective than when new. It could be an economic option for you to simply buy a new pair of the same rather than play the market?

    If you fancy a change, Wiggle's dhb bib shorts do get favourable customer reviews if you check out their web site.

  • schweiz
    schweiz Posts: 1,644
    Their webshop is down for maintenance right now but take a look at The Corsa S3 and Strada Mk 2 bib shorts are £112.50 but if you use AP201312 as the discount code when you check out you'll get 15% discount which brings them down to £95.

    I know that's still over your budget but in my opinion, their pad is second to none and previously I've ridden Assos, Pearl Izumi, Craft, Girordana and more. In fact, thinking about it, treat yourself to a Test Team Bundle which is shorts, jersey and a cap for £205 if you use the discount code. Plus you'll get their test team membership which will give you 20% off future purchases for the next 12 months.

    I rode the Ötztaler bike marathon in the Corsa S3 shorts last summer. It's 238 km, 5500 m of climbing and, for me, just under 10 hours in the saddle. My body was physically shot by the end of that but my backside was fine!
  • matt@theforce
    matt@theforce Posts: 647
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for all the feedback so far.

    I did pop into Decathlon & Evan's on my lunch break today to have a look at their offerings & I can confirm that the padding in the Decathlon shorts is more spongy than mine are so it certainly look like the pads are coming to the end of their life.
    I also had a quick look at the Endura FS*** pro but didn't get chance to try a pair, will try and pop back on my break tomorrow and have a 2nd look at them, I did notice though that the pad feels hugely thicker & wider than the decathlon bibs which I'm not sure will be of benefit or not.

    I did think about sticking with the Decathlon clothing as I've been quite impressed with them for the price but I'm open to trying other brands to compare quality/comfort/durability etc.

    I don't really want to break the £70 mark as most of my riding is commuting (approx 100miles a week accross 3 shifts in all weathers), having said that as I'm getting fitter I'm now also managing some fantastic 6-7hour rides on my days off so may consider buying a more expensive pair for my pleasure rides at some point 8)
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    I have Craft and Assos bib shorts, both are excellent. If you can stretch your budget to about £90, you can get the Craft Elite bib shorts which have a superb pad.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    I thought my DHB were good until I tried some Assos, then back to the DHB!

    Assos can be obtained at around £90 if you can push a little.

    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    Castelli, Rapha and Bontager for me. Couldn't get on with craft.
  • Churchill123
    Churchill123 Posts: 341
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,261
    Another Asos fanboy here
  • ct8282
    ct8282 Posts: 414
    Just bought Gore Power 2.0's and they are awesome.
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    Assos here too... Most comfortable for long rides
  • denniskwok
    denniskwok Posts: 339
    I've found that the PBK own brand shorts on are extremely good value for money at £55.00 each. The PBK Performance Cycling bibs ar £34.99 each are an absolute steal too. I bought two pairs of the latter recently at a discount of 40% and they've been great.
  • Excelent, Thanks very much for the replys.

    Looks like I've got reading todo on my quiet night shifts :)
  • FatTed
    FatTed Posts: 1,205
    Please guys it's ASSos ASos is another "fashion" company
    this review may help ... ts-review/
    with an update for the Assos bibs ... uct-picks/
    I think if you have found shorts that fit you and work stick with them.
  • mechanism
    mechanism Posts: 891
    I'm very happy with Endura's FS260-Pro Bibshorts II for £67, with the bonus that it's British company (at least until the independence referendum). I haven't tried the more upmarket brands.
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    Assos F1 Uno – workhorse bibs – they even get worn on MTB rides under – 3 years old, one crash and still going strong/looking black
    Assos t607 – winter bibs
    Giordana Gshield – pi$$ing it down bibs
    Rapha Pro Team – long ride, good weather bibs
    Vermarc Forma Red (the ones what Cav wears) – club bibs
  • simonhead
    simonhead Posts: 1,399
    Mechanism wrote:
    I'm very happy with Endura's FS260-Pro Bibshorts II for £67, with the bonus that it's British company (at least until the independence referendum). I haven't tried the more upmarket brands.

    +1 these are my all round bibs
    Have a pair of Howies ones that I dont find as comfortable and are relegated to spares, a very cheap pair of TENN outdoor ones for summer commuting and spinning classes and some Endura non padded bib tights for the winter that go with padded shorts and a pair of North Face under tights if its really cold.
    Life isnt like a box of chocolates, its like a bag of pic n mix.
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    For a £70 max budget I don't think you can better the DHB Aeron Pros (I even prefer them to my Assos S5 Unos)
  • Cobi
    Cobi Posts: 16
    Ive got several brands,

    Endura FS260, by far my favourite,
    Craft Radioshack, ok
    Altura pro gel, ok at first but pad has worn quickly,
    mavic, love them.

    never tried Assos but think they will be my next try.
  • AllanES
    AllanES Posts: 151
    This morning, on the basis that you get what you pay for, I've ordered a pair of Assos bib shorts.

    (I can go without putting food on the table for a day or two :))

    So, I'll be interested to see what difference they make to my longer rides and how comfortable they are compared to the usual (i.e. much cheaper) brands I tend to buy.
    Red Triban 3
    Giant Defy 1