road tyre help :)

j.thompson1989 Posts: 12
edited June 2013 in Road buying advice
hey just wondered what peoples views were on tyres. im looking to see what are the best tyre for low rolling resistance, light weight and some degree of puncture proofing. any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


  • GP4000's Continental
    Pro4 Michelin

    Are two of the usual suspects :)
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • hubcap
    hubcap Posts: 163
    If you're not too worried about feel and comfort then the Continental GP4000S is a good all round tyre.

    For better feel and arguably lower rolling resistance go for the Schwalbe Ultremo ZX.

    For the best feel, comfort, good low rolling resistance go for the Veloflex Corsa with some latex tubes....lovely set up. Bit of a b!tch to mount first time but worth it imho.

    Michelin Pro4 Service Course are pretty nice too.

    I would go in this order....Veloflex , Ultremo , Michelin , Conti.
  • thank you, i have seen really good comments for the ultremo zx, not a fan for conti's so might go down the ultremo or michelin route thanks guys :)