Waterproof first medical aid kit: which one ?

andreavda Posts: 27
edited May 2013 in Road buying advice
I'd like to purchase a waterproof first aid kit to carry along all my rides.
It should fit in a topeak aero wedge strap on large saddle bag
What do you recommend ?
I'd like to spend no more than 20 quid


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Some bandages, alcohol wipes, plasters and put them in a ziploc food bag. Less than a fiver ?
  • andreavda
    andreavda Posts: 27
    cougie wrote:
    Some bandages, alcohol wipes, plasters and put them in a ziploc food bag. Less than a fiver ?

    II don't have anything of this stuff at home except for some plasters, I have to purchase the ziploc food bag cuz I don't have any at home.
    I don't know if buying all the kit from scratch is going to cost me more or less than buying the ready kit like this one
    http://www.adventuremedicalkits.com/pro ... oduct=236#

    it retails for 18 quid P&P included

    this it the list of the supply
    Bandage Materials
    5 Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, 1" x 3"
    3 Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Knuckle
    3 Bandage, Butterfly Closure
    1 Bandage, Conforming Gauze, 2"
    2 Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 2" x 2", Pkg./2
    2 Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 3" x 3", Pkg./2
    2 Dressing, Non-Adherent, Sterile, 3" x 4"

    1 Gloves, Nitrile (Pair), Hand Wipe

    Blister / Burn
    1 Moleskin, Pre-Cut & Shaped (11 pieces)

    Duct Tape
    1 Duct Tape, 2" x 26"

    Fracture / Sprain
    1 Bandage, Elastic with Velcro, 2"

    3 Safety Pins
    1 Splinter Picker/Tick Remover Forceps

    2 After Bite Wipe
    2 Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine 25 mg)
    1 Aspirin (325 mg), Pkg./2
    3 Ibuprofen (200 mg), Pkg./2

    Wound Care
    4 After Cuts & Scrapes Antiseptic Wipe
    3 Alcohol Swab
    1 Tape, 1" x 10 Yards
    1 Tincture of Benzoin Topical Adhesive
    3 Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Single Use

    if I purchase it from the USA I even get the drugs, I don't get them if I purchase it in the UK
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Ziplock bags are £1 for 20 or so. Handy for carrying your phone in on the bike.
    Plasters - you can pick up for £1.
    Normal bandage - You can pick up 5m for £1.19 in boots.
    Rubber gloves - again a quid or so.

    Unless you're cycling in desolate places - that's all you need. And even then not many cyclists have a first aid pack with them on the bike. It would get used so infrequently that by the time you needed it it would all be out of date.
    I'm a first aider at work but never needed the skills on the bike in decades of cycling.
  • marcusjb
    marcusjb Posts: 2,412
    I would agree with the above. I carry a first aid kit when we are touring. But out on the bike, I have a sterile wipe, some plasters and that's about it.

    I couldn't deal with the weight of a full first aid kit on a full time basis.

    Sure, what if, what if?

    Same with spare parts, you could get so carried away with what if scenarios, that you end up towing a spare bike behind you.

    Put together a kit with a couple of bits of bandage, plasters etc. you'll hopefully never need it, but it won't weigh much.
  • fish156
    fish156 Posts: 496
    I'm another advocate of not carrying half of Boots' entire range whilst on a road bike.

    If there's a serious accident on a road bike, you're really only managing the scene until the professionals arrive. If it's more minor, those injured can ride on to get treatment.

    To this end I usually carry a very small kit in my back pocket; foil blanket (those hurt are likely to be lightly dressed & in shock), a single large sterile dressing and a pair of gloves.
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    My medical kit - 60mg of codeine, that got me home with a fractured wrist and elbow. I can't really see the point in carrying plasters and bandages etc.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    999 for emergencies.
    Ride to a shop for non-emergencies.

    Just carry a tenner.

    Or enough change from your cafe stop. :wink:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    I have found spray on plasters to be good - can cover a large area of road rash or difficult areas around joints, it waterproof and flexible and may alow you to continue a ride rather than head for home straight away.

    I usually have a first aid kit when going out with the kids as they cant just man up quite so easily.

    I have something like this: http://www.lloydspharmacy.com/en/lloyds ... kit-247607

    £7 for two of them. I added a few bits & pieces but its not too heavy or too bulky.

    The only thing I think I have ever used out and about is the antiseptic wipe and the spray on plaster that I added though. And then it wasnt on my but on my son.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    andreavda wrote:
    cougie wrote:
    Some bandages, alcohol wipes, plasters and put them in a ziploc food bag. Less than a fiver ?

    II don't have anything of this stuff at home except for some plasters, I have to purchase the ziploc food bag cuz I don't have any at home.
    I don't know if buying all the kit from scratch is going to cost me more or less than buying the ready kit like this one
    http://www.adventuremedicalkits.com/pro ... oduct=236#

    it retails for 18 quid P&P included

    this it the list of the supply
    Bandage Materials
    5 Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, 1" x 3"
    3 Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Knuckle
    3 Bandage, Butterfly Closure
    1 Bandage, Conforming Gauze, 2"
    2 Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 2" x 2", Pkg./2
    2 Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 3" x 3", Pkg./2
    2 Dressing, Non-Adherent, Sterile, 3" x 4"

    1 Gloves, Nitrile (Pair), Hand Wipe

    Blister / Burn
    1 Moleskin, Pre-Cut & Shaped (11 pieces)

    Duct Tape
    1 Duct Tape, 2" x 26"

    Fracture / Sprain
    1 Bandage, Elastic with Velcro, 2"

    3 Safety Pins
    1 Splinter Picker/Tick Remover Forceps

    2 After Bite Wipe
    2 Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine 25 mg)
    1 Aspirin (325 mg), Pkg./2
    3 Ibuprofen (200 mg), Pkg./2

    Wound Care
    4 After Cuts & Scrapes Antiseptic Wipe
    3 Alcohol Swab
    1 Tape, 1" x 10 Yards
    1 Tincture of Benzoin Topical Adhesive
    3 Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Single Use

    if I purchase it from the USA I even get the drugs, I don't get them if I purchase it in the UK
    Fluff me, you'll be a two wheeled ambulance with that lot! :wink: