28-580 (650x28A) tyres on Raleigh Candice

sarahphelps Posts: 11
edited April 2013 in Workshop
Not sure if I'm posting in the right section, and I'm a complete newb to all things in the road bike world, especially when it comes to parts and lingo, but hopefully someone here will be able to help me choose a tyre to fit.

So, as mentioned in the title, I have a 1980's Rayleigh candice touring bike. It currently has the original tyres, but both front and back have seen better days since I discovered strava, and they both urgently need replacing. I managed to figure out the ISO was 28-590, which I gather is a tyre width of 28mm and rim diameter of 590mm...right? The tyre wall reads: '28-590 (650x28A).

Does this mean I could not fit the bike with a jazzy 700c road tyre like these (http://www.wiggle.co.uk/michelin-pro4-s ... road-tyre/) and would instead have to settle for the dull looks of these (http://www.sjscycles.co.uk/hutchinson-h ... prod26398/). If it's not be possible to fit the michelin pros, does anyone know any other brand that would fit? As I'd like to go as thin as possible, lightweight and get coloured walls to match the frame design...if possible!

Any advice would be gratefully received!


  • hambar
    hambar Posts: 63
    Hi Sarah, you're right in saying that you won't be able to fit the 700c tyres.
    Any tyres you do fit will have to be 650a.
    I picked up one of these recently and am currently converting it to a single speed with swept back bars and was thinking that these tyres would look good:
    http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00277K ... mdp_mobile
    They aren't exactly the 23mm width you were after, but will definitely look nice.
  • Hey,

    Those would be great, but I really do want to keep the tyres thin. Luckily I actually found pairs of original tyres on sale on ebay (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181112814087? ... 97.c0.m619). They've got white instead of amber walls, but I think they'll look good, so I've bought some. Really want to find some peach/coral bar tape to match the colours on the frame now. Know anywhere good to get that? :)
