Bottom Brackets - upgrade time

pkripper Posts: 652
edited April 2013 in Road buying advice
I've killed a shimano one in fairly short order this winter (primarily due to some filthy conditions), so whilst it's been replaced with a Hope Ceramic currently (which I stole off the summer bike), I'm thinking about bb's generally. Some of them I've almost come to regard as consumables that won't give a very long life, but there are others which are reputed to last longer.

So, who's using what with success out there? I like the idea of a Chris King, but will stick to a stainless steel one if I go that route, but there's a whole load of others out there that I'd equally consider. Ideally i'd like the fit and forget option for year-round use...

Any suggestions?


  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    I am quite surprised you have wrecked the Shimano in one season - what was it 105/Ultegra ect?

    If you want reliability Phil Woods BB' and products have a good reputation.
    Brian B.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    I've got a Chris King on my Enigma. Three reasons I went for it.
    1) nice shade of red 8)
    2) the Chris King headset on my MTB has withstood years of abuse with no servicing, and is still as smooth as the day I installed it.
    3) nice shade of red.
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    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,741
    my mountain bike one died without much effort :-/ so I sent it to goldtec/BETD and they put new bearings in them and it's been rock solid ever since, may be worth finding out if they still provide that service, they are really good quality bearings and I seem to remember their solution negates a plastic bushing in the bearing design that improves the strength
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    I run a CK on the commuter, and regularly fill it with grease with the injector tool. It's done one, hard year so far, including all through winter, and its running fine, so fingers crossed its a good purchase, economically speaking.

    On the MTB I tend to run Hope though, as the bearings are replaceable, so I don't need to be so careful with them. I usually swap out the bearings every year or so, at a cost of about £30 I think.

    Overall, I think it's a close call between the two approaches.
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • pkripper
    pkripper Posts: 652
    Hmm, thanks for the responses chaps, looking like its a straight fight between hope and Chris king. And Chris king pink. Anyone seen any good deals on either?

    I'll also check out the betd option too - if the old cups can be resurrected with new bearings then that'd be good for the spares box.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    My PF DA BBs have all lasted over 5k miles with no issue. BB30 on the other hand...
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • banditvic
    banditvic Posts: 549
    I've got a brand new Chris King in Black yours for £70
  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    If it's an external BB that has died so quickly have yo check that the BB shell has ben faced properly. This sometimes is the case.

    Token do BB's in pretty anodised colors and they are cheap to. The best thing about them is when the cheap bearing in them dies and it will (given some time) you can replace it with INA/FAG or SKS 6805 (x7mm) bearings and enjoy a BB that will last longer. This is what I do and it saves money. -wheel building and other stuff.