Help for £2-2.5k Setup

andydurrant Posts: 48
edited April 2013 in Road buying advice

So I've had the approval from the boss to go ahead and make a bike upgrade....

I've been looking around the £2-2.5k mark (with or without discount) but hit a bit of dilemma and was hoping for some viewpoints from owners/other riders.

Shortlist so far (not in preference order):

> Focus Cayo Evo 2.0
> Colnago CLX 3.0
> Cannondale Supersix
> Cube Agree GTC
> Pinarello FP Due

In terms of setup i'm looking for a full carbon frameset, at the very least a Ultegra groupset but would like to have Di2 (although this is an open issue - should i buy with Di2, or upgrade at a later date when the systems become more developed...).
Wheels on this sort of budget are usually something along the RS30/Racing 5 line, so thats accepted that the wheelset is the weakness.

Questions then....frame wise, will the Colnago/Pina' be a better longer term setup that the maybe cheaper alternatives of the Focus....

Thanks in advance for any feedback/recommendations/links!




  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Focus or Cannondale, any day of the week.
  • im tempted by the cayo evo 3 so you can guess where my vote will go. if you go the focus route let us know how you get on
  • I've got a 2012 Supersix 105 and I love it, quick on the flats and up hills, looks great, reasonably comfortable. Plus you can get a 2012 Supersix di2 with Ksyrium Elites within your budget: ... A-DI2-2012

    Shop around though and find one you love, you're more likely to ride something you love than something you got a good deal for
  • Liking the Supersix...

    Di2 is still a sticking point for me, I don't want to scrimp on the frame and wheels for the sake of Di2. Is it really a benefit or is mechanical still just easier for problematic fixings and stuff.

  • should i buy with Di2, or upgrade at a later date when the systems become more developed...).

    Not sure there's any more development where Di2 is concerned, just lighter and more aesthetically pleasing.

    I'd go with the Supersix if you can get a the Evo. Or look at the Canyon range if budget doesn't stretch.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • No votes for the Colnago tho...interesting.

    Any Colnago CLX riders out there?!
  • Nickoo
    Nickoo Posts: 85
    Iv got last years pinarello fp due and I love it
  • snowley
    snowley Posts: 149
    As mentioned above, the Cannondale is highly regarded.

    With the Colnago and Pina, you will tend to get a lot less for the money compared to the likes of Focus and Cube purely due to the brand.

    I would focus on getting as high a spec as possible within the budget via some form of sale and then you won't have to spend any additional money on wheels etc (which the BOSS might not approve of).
  • But would i be getting a better frame with the Col/Pina and therefore longevitiy for the steed (with upgrades later...)

    Is the brand really everything, there must be benefits to going Italian carbon!
  • I think the main attraction of di2 is you set it up once and then you get perfect shifts every time with no need for maintenance. There's a slight weight penalty but if that's a sticking point the same bike is available with Sram red, assuming you can fit a 54cm frame: ... M-RED-2012

    (There's loads of other websites that do last year model sales, this is just the one I used so I'm referencing it for convenience).

    You'll be hard pressed to find better wheels than Ksyrium Elites at this price really, and all the frames you've mentioned have good reputations. I don't know if the Pin/Col frames are necessarily better, I THINK their price premium comes from the fact they're made in Italy where labour is more expensive than Taiwan/China where most frames are made (don't quote me on that though and feel free to correct me).

    Of course you could always go for models lower down the food chain than the ones you've stated, most manufacturers have model lines that share frames and differ on groupset/wheel spec, and use the change to buy some really nice wheels. You could then upgrade the gruppo as and when at a later date. 105 works well unless you're dead set on Ultegra.

    Good shout about Canyon, they're great value and the pro's seem to be doing alright on them: ... aix-36972/
  • dnwhite88
    dnwhite88 Posts: 285
    Like others have said cube give you so much for your money, but if I was going to buy another bike in that price range (which won't be allowed!) it would be the colnago clx3
    "It never gets easier, you just go faster"
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Firstly, for £2.5k you're getting a frame made in Taiwan/China - regardless what it says on the frame.
    If you plan to use the bike for racing and want to Di2 - check out the price of replacement rear mechs first
    Also add Canyon to your list if bang for buck is a consideration.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    Not helping much, but Rose are pretty much on par with Canyon from a VfM point of view, and you can customise the build, unlike with Canyon and most others.

    A supersix evo would be nice if you could find one cheap, but I expect you'd struggle. Cheapest I've seen one for is £3k.