just ordered edge 810 now for maps...

ianbar Posts: 1,354
edited March 2013 in Road buying advice
just ordered the new edge 810, without maps i may add. in hindsight i probably should have done bit more research! once it arrives am i able to just download maps from the garmin site? i assume i cannot use the route direction features without this?
enigma esprit
cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012


  • Ka12
    Ka12 Posts: 216
    Have a look at this site http://www.scarletfire.co.uk/2012/11/foolproof-course-navigation-on-the-garmin-edge-800/ it shows how to install free OSM maps which are routable.
  • fsman
    fsman Posts: 112
    Scareletfire has all of the details.
    I did a lot of research on free OSM maps.
    For the UK Talkytoaster maps are fantastic.

    Also, get yourself a free account of Ridewithgps.com - you won't regret it.
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    Thank you will look into that much rather get it for free ;-) as long as everything works just the same
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • Buckie2k5
    Buckie2k5 Posts: 600
  • rich164h
    rich164h Posts: 433
    ianbar wrote:
    Thank you will look into that much rather get it for free ;-) as long as everything works just the same
    You own't be able to do routing to a postcode (something that I've never felt the need to do on my bike), but other than that it will work exactly the same.
  • wongataa
    wongataa Posts: 1,001
    I use maps from talkytoaster with my Garmin but you should be aware that not all roads are on the maps. Not many are missing but some are. You should check your area on the OSM website to see how complete coverage is.