Di2 Paint

hibbsjill Posts: 119
edited March 2013 in Workshop
Managed to scratch the rear dehraillier on my very new Di2 (Large plant pot in the garden) only small but I know it's there ,question is what's the colour match ? Shimano don't know and don't provide touch up paint.


  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    This may not help but my MTB has an SLX rear mech which, being on an MTB tends to get scratched a bit. It is a medium metallic grey which I guess is not dissimilar to the Di2 colour. I found that it is pretty insensitive to colour mix - so I just mix a bit of black Humbrol paint with silver until it looks OK and touch in the scratches. If it looks a bit dark on the mech I just put a bit of silver in and vice versa. The SLX is quite angular which helps disguise the scratches anyway but I reckon you should be able to do OK by eye.

    Of course, if you had gone for Campag carbon, you'd just needed to have rubbed the scratch down a bit, masked it off and given it a quick squirt of gloss lacquer for a perfect repair!

    Pic below doesn't really show it well but there is in particular a spot on the lower edge of the main parallelogram that the metal got scraped away and is now covered by my rough paint match. Only the missing metal gives it away (between the mounting bolt and the lower pivot pin).

    Faster than a tent.......
  • hibbsjill
    hibbsjill Posts: 119
    Thanks for the info I'll give it a try
    Your right the grey in your photo is very similar
    Again thanks