Loose Front Brake Caliper

plodski Posts: 14
edited March 2013 in Workshop
My planet x pro carbon was involved in a rear shunt accident. LBS said a new frame (not fork) and rear wheel was needed and after the insurance process transferred all parts onto a new frame. After getting it home I've noticed that the shimano front brake calliper is able to freely rotate about the mounting bolt axis. Thinking that the recessed bolt probably needs tightening I thought I'd tighten it myself to avoid a trip back to the LBS. However, a medium amount of force would neither loosen nor tighten the recessed bolt. Not wishing to risk any damage by using extra force, I will be taking it back to the LBS. I am also confident the LBS will be honest and reasonable about what is needed.

I am curious however to know what caused the calliper to loosen. The calliper wouldn't have needed touching when transferring the fork to the new frame. The bolt is tight and at least partially corroded so couldn't have worked loose. The calliper wasn't loose before the accident. Any ideas?
