Need new free hub Planet X/American classic help?

mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
edited February 2013 in Workshop
I have a pair of plant x 82mm tubs on my tt bike. The free hub body is knackered and the cassette does not sit right. I have according to Planet X a set of wheels 4 years old. I asked them for a replacement and they came back saying they are four years old and they don't keep any spares as they are the American classic hubs they used to use. Any one know where I will be able to get one? Other options are change the whole hub but I don't want to do that as the wheel building won't be up to par over here. I would like to just replace the free hub body? Planet X response was less than helpful and bordering on rude so shall not be buying anything ever again from there. When I told them what other wheels I have and have never had such a problem ( the wheel has done less than 500 miles) they said more or less they couldn't care less. Don't buy Planet X wheels as they seem no help at all and there response was to throw it away. I will if there is no solution and put a proper pair of wheels on but for the small use they get I don't really want to tie up yet another set of wheels to the growing list I have. Any help appreciate. In a nutshell I need a free hub body for an American classic hub in a Planet X wheel? Thanks
