Boardman new releases?

differentstrokes87 Posts: 140
edited February 2013 in Road buying advice
Will there be any?

The reason I ask is I'm hoping to have a look at/try and Boardman CX Pro in a msall but having looked through the stockist list yesterday they're completely sold out and say discontinued.
Planet X XLS 2013
Planet X London Road 2015


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Same with female carbon road bike.
    Just missed £300 discount :-(
    Nothing new on site to replace it so guess they just want you to buy another brand?
  • Hopefully they'll have it sorted soon as I'm looking to get rid of my car and replace it with the CX Pro for commuting and also recreational riding.
    Planet X XLS 2013
    Planet X London Road 2015