New freehub body required for Fulcrum 7's

San Marzano
San Marzano Posts: 132
edited February 2013 in Workshop
Went out this morning and noticed a 'cracking' noise from the back wheel. In summary, the freehub body is goosed which means i need a new one.

Which one do I need for Fulcrum Racing 7 wheels?



  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    a R5 020 shimano OR R5 014 campag, that is from a Fulcrum 2011/12 parts catalog

    The bearings in the f/h are replaceable 6902 2RS as is everything else.

    I-Ride are the importers, email them, i ve found them helpful in the past.
  • Mamba

    Thanks very much for your really helpful response.

    I suspect its more than the bearings - I have taken the sprockets off and the freehub body can be waggled from side to side - only a few mm each way though.

    Thanks again.
  • sounds like its just the bearings its worth a shot there not that expensive and easy ish to do save your self about 40 notes as well i think the freehubs are around 60 quid
  • ferritic
    ferritic Posts: 120
    Is it Shimano or Campagnolo?
    If it's the latter, can you use any of the lower end Campagnolo 10 speed freehub bodies?
    Let me know, as there might be one in the garage.
  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    The outer freehub body bearing is replaceble but the inner one is another matter. It is held inplace by a circlip that has no dimples or holes to get circlip plier sin and in fact I could get my various circlip pilers to remove that circlip. I-ride don't suggest bearing replacement. So check the bearings if the outer one is gone then all is well if the inner one is gone I am not sure how you are supposed to replace the bearing.

    Oddly the campag Khamism freehub boby is cheaper, get that. RJ chickens is the distributor. Yes the lower end caampag free hub bodies fit whether it s HG or ED10 (campag) spline pattern. -wheel building and other stuff.