What tyres

Gamblor Posts: 84
edited January 2013 in MTB buying advice
I've got a 2008 Careera Vulcan which has pretty big, chunky tyres on it at the moment as the previous owner used it for offroad/tails mainly. I use it mainly for commute/the odd LIGHT offroading (woodland tracks and the like, and even that's rare). Specifically, theres about a half mile stretch on a regular route which takes me over loose stones/cobbles and the odd pothole.

With that in mind, I think I'll benefit from a change of tyres to improve speed and comfort. I've had a quick google search but theres alot of polorising opinions, so can anyone here recommend a reputable brand or model which will suit my needs?

The Schwalbe Landcruisers have been mentioned a few times during my google search, are they any good?

I've been reliably informed I currently have "26x2.35" tyres, whatever that means :S I'm guessing that means 26" tyres with a 2.35" width?

Thanks alot