Trek Madone 2.3

Aggerdoo Posts: 94
edited December 2012 in Road buying advice
I have seen the review of the higher specced Trek Madone's just wondering if anyone has any comments on the 2.3???

The other Trek Madones (5.2, 3.5, 3.1) all get at least 4.5/5 stars. I know these are all more expensive so are bound to be better bikes than the 2.3 I am looking at, but I can't help but think that if it's coming from the same highly rated line as these other bikes it is also going to be quite good?? or is that a naaive thing to be saying?



  • I'm also looking at the Trek Domane 2.3, It's just £50 more than the Madone coming in at £1200. The decoupler seems interesting on it, just wondering how effective it is and how well it works.. Is it just a gimic that will seem dated in a couple of years or a work of brilliance that will be here to stay?