Converting Mavic R-SYS SL's from Camp to Shimano

ADIHEAD Posts: 575
edited December 2012 in Road buying advice
Hi guys. Found a pair of above online for a stupidly cheap price from a very reputable seller. Only problem is they're Campag and I run Sram. All the checks I've made say it uses a standard FTSL-M10 freehub. So I'm guessing I could just purchase one of these for around £35, swap them over and sell the Campag one? I'm pretty sure I'm safe here but don't want to spend over a grand without being 100% sure!


  • turnerjohn
    turnerjohn Posts: 1,069
    ADIHEAD wrote:
    Hi guys. Found a pair of above online for a stupidly cheap price from a very reputable seller. Only problem is they're Campag and I run Sram. All the checks I've made say it uses a standard FTSL-M10 freehub. So I'm guessing I could just purchase one of these for around £35, swap them over and sell the Campag one? I'm pretty sure I'm safe here but don't want to spend over a grand without being 100% sure!

    well easy....just need an allen key (5mm I think) and spanner....alley key fits in the axle...cone spanner to pull off the nut. freehub then pulls straight off....just watch for the springs and paws don't spring off !
    Its a 5min job at the most :-)
    ADIHEAD Posts: 575
    Sure thanks turnerjohn. I've had the freehub off my Kysrium Elites a couple of times to add some oil and managed ok - apart from the springs pinging off the pawls lol! Just wanted to make sure as I say before dropping some serious cash:-0
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    I've got a brand new shimano FTSL freehub you can have for £25
    ADIHEAD Posts: 575
    Thanks Evil Laugh. Will PM you if and when I have the balls to place the order!
  • n1ckster
    n1ckster Posts: 158
    I'm looking to achieve the opposite and replace my Shimano cassette on my Elites with a Campy cassette.

    I am looking or Campy (11 spd) free hub if anyone knows where to get one?
