Alfine hub / Genesis Day01 help

bigeuan82 Posts: 11
edited October 2012 in Workshop
Hi all, took delivery of my Genesis Day01 yesterday. Gears weren't set up at all correctly, was jumping all over the place, dangerously so. Will take me a while to trust it out of the saddle me thinks... Anyway, I have tried using my (limited) mechanical skills to tune it properly. I have the yellow markers lined up and for most gears it seems to work, still can't access top gear though unless I hold the shifter in position, hardly ideal.

Is there a full proof way to set this up? Also something I can find anywhere, how do you know where to put the nut on the gear cable that attaches to the hub? I've searched and searched and can't find that anywhere. Front disc also needs looking at but I'll try the credit card trick later on.

Thanks in advance.


  • mister p
    mister p Posts: 405
    Is it brand new? I would get the shop to sort it out, it should be set up correctly when you took delivery.

    As for setting it up yourself, it is pretty easy if you have the instruction manual. There is one HERE

    On a Day 01 you will have the CJ-8S20 cassette joint so the nut needs to be 101mm from the cable end cap.
  • Many thanks for that! Hadn't found that document anywhere! Bought it online, not the best of experiences. I'll have another bash at getting it running as it should tonight.

    Thanks again for your help. One last quick question, when setting it up I'll have the cable and nut 101mm apart, should I have the barrel adjuster set in a neutral position to give me movement either way?
  • mister p
    mister p Posts: 405
    Yes, you should have the adjuster set so that you have scope to both increase and decrease the tension on the cable.
  • Thank you!