brake pads?

GordonFreeman Posts: 120
edited August 2012 in Workshop
Will mountain ike brake pads work on road bike calipers?
I was looking at swiss stop green or kool stop salmon but almost all on ebay are sold as just the pads and my current blocks won't fit them. So, I need the full pad including mounting bolt.
It's justa commuting bike so something cheap but something that works well in the wet cos there's never any sun in this country :)


  • Twostage
    Twostage Posts: 987
    The pads are specific, you can't put a v-brake pad in a calliper etc. I'd recommend going to or similar and getting a set of cartridge brakes (where the pads go into holders rather than being a one piece affair). You can then shop around and go up or down market for replacement pads once they've worn out. I'm currently using BBB pads on my commuter as they are five quid for a full set (front and back) and they seem to be able to bring me and the bike to a stop when required (when I remember to do up the front callipers anyway :oops: ).