Speedplay Pedals

ianeverton Posts: 231
edited August 2012 in Road buying advice
Am I right in thinking you can use the same Speedplay Zero cleats for the Titanium and Stainless pedals ???

If so, where is the cheapest place I can get some Zero Stainless ??? Ribble have them for £118



  • Cubic
    Cubic Posts: 594
    I'm pretty sure that the cleats are the same for the stainless and titanium. I think you only get special cleats if you go for the Nanogram Speedplays.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,496

    zero ti/stainless use the same cleats
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • ajb72
    ajb72 Posts: 1,178
    you are correct. It's the light action Zero's version cleats that you are not supposed to use with regular zeros, which is to do with the unrestricted float on the light actions. I've never put it to the test.

    The same cleats are fine for the zero variants.
  • rpd_steve
    rpd_steve Posts: 361
    All 'Zeros' have the same cleat.

    All light actions have the same cleat.

    All frogs...

    You get it!
  • Ribble aren't the quickest at posting, Evans will probably price match whatever price you find and if you are lucky there will be one close by so you can pop in and pick them up.