Bought a road bike - now need pump and lock

notnot Posts: 284
edited August 2012 in Road buying advice
Thanks for the advice on bike buying on here. I've now bought a new bike a bit sooner than expected, after seeing a good deal secondhand :oops: Amazing how much lighter it feels on the roads than my old mountain bike :)

I've been using a hand pump on my mountain bike. I think trying to get enough pressure on my road bike with that would kill me. Any suggestions as to a good foot pump - would this do? ... loor-pump/ Or should I be looking at something else?

I'll also need a new lock - my current one would be 30s work for anyone with bolt cutters, so not idea with the new bike. Any suggestions for something that's not too heavy but will deter potential thieves? If I end up going with Cycle Guard insurance, I'll need a lock that's Sold Secure silver or gold rated.


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Joe Blow track pump is good.
    Lezyne pocket pumps are good to take with you.
    Never bothered with a lock really - I dont leave the bike.
  • calmx5
    calmx5 Posts: 230
    Have a look at the compact New York Kyriptonite locks, always loved mine.

    +1 for JoeBlow and lezyne
  • How about the Bontrager?
  • notnot
    notnot Posts: 284
    Thanks - would this do the job for pump? ... rack-pump/
  • Le Commentateur
    Le Commentateur Posts: 4,099
    Should be OK. If it's crap let us know about it.
  • nomadicbry
    nomadicbry Posts: 223
    buy a track pump for at home Ive went through several and the longest lasting one was a £20 pump from Evans name escaps me but they're always available in their store
    for a pump in the back pocket anything small a light but not too small it takes a week to get a resonable pressure
    as for a lock. Dont save on this buy a kyrptonite U-lock with the additional cable £45 i think but your bike will be going nowhere and weither will your front wheel. I've used one in London for 2 years and never had bother. Friends meanwhile have had bikes stolen or front wheels pinched
    the number of locked bikes yous ee with the front whel missing is incredible.

    Mind you i never leave my pride and joy road bike outside. However all my bikes are worthy of a good lock so it's essential especially if like me you use your bike for going to the shops/pubs/work/visiting mates

    As for the Joe Blow pump had one of them... lasted a year and gave up the ghost. Mind you we have quite a few bikes and the pumpis used about twice a week for our normal bikes and for when we go racing.

    The lezyne pumps look amazing but the track pumps carry a nice price tage seem to be very good though from the reports I've heard.
    Enough bikes to open a bike shop but always room for one more...
  • notnot
    notnot Posts: 284
    Thanks - so, looking at locks, I'll just have to live with the fact that a decent one isn't going to be all that light? If I'm out for a while I like to stop off for food - or to use the loo! - so I will need some kind of lock.

    Also figure I should try some cycling shorts/pants. Are Muddy Fox cheap for a reason? ... 481&sr=8-2
  • nomadicbry
    nomadicbry Posts: 223
    Never worn muddy fox so can't comment...Endura are the best budget gear I've ever had…really get the balance between quality and price… and made in Scotland which is good
    Keep an eye on Aldi / Lidl they do cycling stuff and for the money is decent. It's nothing special but is cheap as chips
    carrying the lock while cycling is negligible… what do you prefer a light bike lock or a bike to cycle home on haha :)
    Enough bikes to open a bike shop but always room for one more...
  • notnot
    notnot Posts: 284
    A nicked bike would be a *lot* lighter I guess :)

    Been looking at locks. Something like this one, maybe? ... lex-cable/ Or Masterlock is cheaper and with a higher Sold Secure rating, don't know if it's a worse product? ... 611&sr=8-4

    Insurance-wise, Halifax added the bike onto my contents insurance for under £3/month - seems v reasonable for a bike that would cost over £1k to replace :) I had thought of Cycle Guard - though that's almost £10/month in my area... I don't know if there's any issues with cover to look out for - Halifax seemed to cover most things - but Halifax are almost alarmingly cheap, given that this isn't a low theft area for bikes left outside or for burglaries...
  • joestella28
    joestella28 Posts: 165
    +1 on the Joe Blow pump, I bought one last week and it's great value, had a cheap one before and just got hacked off with it.

    This is the cheapest one I could find; ... d3489.html

    It was only £29.99 last week, they've put it up a quid since!
  • notnot
    notnot Posts: 284
    Right, too many locks on offer... This looks like it should do the job, if I also pick up a cable to wrap round the wheel? ... ml?pse=coa

    Cheaper ones look less secure, and this doesn't look much heavier than weaker locks....
  • notnot
    notnot Posts: 284
    Kryptonite lock arrived now. Looks solid. About 1.7kg, but sadly don't think I'll get a decent lock that's much lighter?

    Hopefully I won't be back here in a week or two to post a pic of a broken lock, with no bike attached :D
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,531
    the sort of lock you need depends a bit on the area, inner city is usually iffy, but stations etc. with many bike racks are also a target for the organized thieves

    cables can be cut with a small hand tool, a d-lock can be jacked open if you leave too much space

    try to position things so that the centre of the lock is full of bike/anchor, and is awkward to get at, bear in mind that some posts/railings can be cut/removed more easily than a lock, so think about what you fix the bike to

    the thieves in vans with tools will be able to cut anything - portable angle grinder - although the best locks will delay this and/or destroy the cutting disk by the time the lock goes

    the first post in this thread is regularly updated with the latest in lock goodness...
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • notnot
    notnot Posts: 284
    Thanks - that's a handy link :) I know that if someone's dedicated enough they'll get through anything - in Amsterdam I saw a post that had been cut through to get the lock off! - but hopefully a decent lock will at least encourage less motivated thieves to look elsewhere...