Specialized BOA laces

JimboPlob Posts: 397
edited July 2012 in Workshop
I need to change the laces on my Specialized BOA shoe (one dial).

I have sourced some laces but the chap on the phone said the mechanic would need to fit them. I am guessing this can be done myself, but is it very difficult?



  • estampida
    estampida Posts: 1,008
    they are talking out of somewhere .... (why dont they just put a hat on their arse and be done with it)


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mfQeFyq ... ure=relmfu

    done for free at home....
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,533

    the spare spesh boas i got came with a little instruction sheet, it's easy
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • I thought BOA laces had a unlimited warrenty provided by BOA themselves - or is that just the ones in Lake shoes?
  • metronome
    metronome Posts: 670
    Same, I heard boa give a lifetime guarantee and you just needed to contact them for replacements. Nice to I Know if it's true.
    tick - tick - tick
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,533
    there is a warranty, but if you want them *now* it may be quicker to just buy some, i got mine so that i had spares on hand

    another problem can be colour matching, although that's more to do with the dials, from boa i think you can only get generic replacements, so you need to go to the shoe manufacturer if you want ones with their colour/logo
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny