What Spring Weight As Standard In 2011 RockShox Recon?

Darkstalker420 Posts: 212
edited July 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi. Contacted TF Tuned about upgrading the travel on my Recon Silver TK to 120mm. They said it's easy to do i just have to swap out the spring/shaft. Now i'm going to order the same weight/colour spring i have now BUT...... I have no idea what that is?! :roll:.

I popped off the preload adjuster/top cap but the spring is or course held in at the bottom of the leg by a bolt so i was unable to see what colour it is (can't tell from the top just looked er... Steel colour! :roll: :lol:). If i remove the bolt the lower leg lube will "escape" and i don't have any to replace it with. So i'm kind of stuck as i need to know what colour/weight the spring is so i can order the correct one from TF so wondered if anyone know what is supplied from the factory by RockShox??



  • FunBus
    FunBus Posts: 394
    If no one replies, try getting in touch with the SRAM Tech Centre - it's supposed to be for trade contacts only, but i'm sure for a query they'll answer your question:
    0843 4878815

    If they won't deal with you, get your local IBD to call.

    Alternatively, take the bolt out, release the fluid and then you'll know......you'll need to do it at some point anyway to put the new spring in!
  • Horton
    Horton Posts: 327
    I would hazard a guess that TF Tuned can tell you for sure, but I think they come with Red (Medium) as standard. As FunBus said, you'll need to undo the bolt to release the spring and shaft to replace it anyway so might as well just do that - if you do it on a flat table, you won't lose a huge amount of oil but be worth cleaning out and relubing whilst you're at it anyway - TF do a good kit.

    It's been a while since I swapped RS springs but you might find if you just compress the forks with the cap off, this will push the spring above the top of the fork and you might be able to see - I seem to remember that they just have a dab of whatever colour paint down the coils (i.e. it's not the whole coil that is coloured)
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    again it also depends what the bike maker speced for the bike they came on. if an after market fork they will be standard.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • It's an aftermarket fork (On One) But it came in a Planet X box so could be OEM???. I found a post post online apparently they come with Medium (red) as standard the SRAM recommendations are:

    <63kg - Yellow
    63-72kg - Red (Standard)
    77-82kg - Blue
    >82kg - Black.

    Not sure what i weigh at the moment so will nip down to the old dears and jump on the scales..... Should be "revealing"!! :lol::lol:. The spring thats in now (a red i guess) is fine BUT i have to have the preload wound right up tight! i'm a bit worried if i order the same weight in the 120mm i'm just going to lose the extra 20mm in sag! I will go and do the deed and see what the years of cakes and pies has done to my athletic physique....... LMAO!! :roll: :lol:.

  • Wow! :shock: :lol: 90kg!! not sure how the fork is even working being as it's (if it IS a red spring) well over the max of 72kg. I will do as suggested (good idea really :D) and pop off the preload/top cap and compress the fork and make 100% that it is a medium.

    If it IS i think that for the 120mm conversion i will go up a weight (Blue 77-82kg) this should make sure that the fork doesn't sit at the bottom of it's travel and still offer me some preload adjustment. I'm a bit leary of going for the Black over 82kg one just incase it's to stiff and i end up with "Suntour syndrome" (with only 60mm of travel out of 120mm available).

  • Yep red springs.
