which casette lockring tool please ?

Team4Luke Posts: 597
edited July 2012 in Workshop
I have a pair of Campag Zonda wheels from several years ago, it has the shimano compatable hub. Recently put these on another bike, my shimano lockring tool seems to fit albeit bit loose but took the lockring off and put it back on, I will need to take it off again as the cassette I put on has an 11 cog and the lockring is a 12t and the chain rides up on it, I have ordered a 11t lockring, a campag one.
Obviously shimano lockrings do not fit this hub but my shimano tool seems to. Question then, am I correct or should I get a campag tool, I'm just just guessing the lockring has campag threads but shimano outer splines for the tool ?

Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young


  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Do you have shimano cassette or campy cassette - your post is somewhat contradictory?

    The lockring tool needs to match the cassette manufacturer not the hub.

    So Campy cassette = campy tool
    SRAM/Shimano cassette = shimano tool.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    it is a shimano cassette and my shimano tool fits although the seems a little loose inside the lockring when I use it. I don't don't how much different a campy ring or tool is to my shimano items as I have never used campy. So I was just thinking the shimano tool just happens to fit, I'm probably right.

    It is a campy hub but the splines are for shimano cassettes however these wheels come with their own lockring, a shimano standard lockring does not fit the cassette body.

    I was just wondering whether the lockring that came with it requires a campy tool, my shimano tool doesn't slip but definitely looser than using it on a shimano lockring.

    So, in short the lockring has campy threads to fit campy cassette body on the wheel but the lockring notches may well be for shimano tool.
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Well I did not think I could be more confused but your last post has just sent my brain into melt down. :-)

    The cassette lock ring needs to match the cassette.
    The cassette tool needs to match the cassette.
    The freehub body needs to be compatible to the cassette.

    The wheel hub itself has no relevance to the cassette and its lockring tool.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    smidsy wrote:
    Well I did not think I could be more confused but your last post has just sent my brain into melt down. :-)

    The cassette lock ring needs to match the cassette.
    The cassette tool needs to match the cassette.
    The freehub body needs to be compatible to the cassette.

    The wheel hub itself has no relevance to the cassette and its lockring tool.

    oopp sorry

    yes to all of above correct
    these wheels come with their own cassette hub lockring, a shimano lockring does not fit, the diameter across the round threads is vastly different between them. So, If I took a campag lockring I can only guess that would fit UNLESS the lockring is very bespoke to the hub.
    Regardless of what compatability threads the lockring has, I just want to make sure I am using the correct tool that fully engages so I don't strip the lockring, as I said my shimano tool fits but not as tightly as it does into a genuine shimano lockring.
    I have ordered a 11t Token Campag lock ring (£5) hoping that fits the hub threads and hoping my shimano tool fits it UNLESS it is a bespoke lockring that is for a shimano cassette and tool even if not made to as greater spec as a genuine shimano one hence a slightly loose fitting tool in the ring.
    I can't order a shimano ring, so I hope the Token ring fits the hub and my shimano tool fits the token ring which as you say should be equal make, if it doesn't I will need a campy tool. Then of course as I mention it could be a bespoke lockring that came with the wheels and I doubt I will be able to get hold of a 11t one.

    any clearer or worse..................
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Now your just being daft.

    My last words on this subject are:

    Your shimano cassette fits onto your shimano freehub body with the shimano lockring using the shimano lock ring tool.

    If any of the above components are not Shimano you have made a mistake - you can not mix Shimano and Campag.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    it's not a shimano freehub body, remember they are campag wheels. The freehub is only shimano compatable to allow shimano users to buy and use campy wheels, I repeat a shimano lockring does not fit the hub body, I have hundreds of them spare. The lockring that came with the wheels and the freehub body both likely have campy threads but the tool requirement again to allow shimano users may well and looks to be shimano.

    I am genuinely now off to the Pub, back later.
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • flasher
    flasher Posts: 1,734

    Hope it helps..........
  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    yep that is same problem, will see when my token lockring arrives on monday from CRC.
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    right sorted. Token Campagnolo Lockring (£5, campy are £21) arrived today and fits my campag zonda shimano compatable freehub. To clarify as probably same with Fulcrums, these are campag wheels that come with an option to have a shimano compatable body to allow fitting of shimano cassettes, the lockring though is campag with campag threads that fit campag threads on the shimano compatable freehub BUT the lockring splines are for a shimano tool. I needed a new lockring as I fitted a 11t sprocket cassette and the existing lockring that comes with these wheels was for a 12t and my chain was riding the lockring.

    Below are pictures of the campag lockring that came with the wheels compared with a shimano lockring.

    shimano tool fits the campag lockring

    completely different thread size across

    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young