Cable stop repair - carbon frame
The cable stop has come off the chainstay of my son's Opera Canova carbon frame. Looks like it was bonded as well as pop-rivetted on.
Anyone repaired something like this themselves?
I've got proper carbon/alum adhesive, plus a standard pop-rivet tool, but a bit worried that the rivets might 'burst' the carbon if not done right, or if I use the wrong type of rivet.
Or should I just send it to a frame repair shop? Any recommendations?
Anyone repaired something like this themselves?
I've got proper carbon/alum adhesive, plus a standard pop-rivet tool, but a bit worried that the rivets might 'burst' the carbon if not done right, or if I use the wrong type of rivet.
Or should I just send it to a frame repair shop? Any recommendations?
I'd seek advise on the pop-rivet as it's very easy to pull-through a rivet due to excessive tension - as the strain on the rivet is effectively in shear, use the lowest grade of rivet. I expect that with good surface prep, a decent epoxy would hold the cable stop in placeand the rivets just supply a clamping load until the epoxy sets.Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..0
Out on the clubrun a couple of weeks ago, a couple of the guys ended-up on the deck and I ended-up on top of them.
The bike seemed OK, but when I examined it, one of the bottlecage bosses had been pulled clean-out of the downtube.
Araldite seems to have sorted it, around and under the boss then shoved back into the frame, so if it can hold the weight of a full waterbottle being bumped over potholes it'll do a cablestop.0