Help Fat & slow

bobpowar Posts: 10
edited May 2012 in Road buying advice
O.k. I need to know what's the cheapest way I can lower the gearing on my bike,
I cannot get up the hills :oops: trying to loose weight and not very fit at the moment.
The bike is a boardman road pro carbon with a 53/39t & 12-25t at the rear i am trying to avoid
changing the Front chain set.
Can I fit a new rear cassette? If so what size?


  • thecrofter
    thecrofter Posts: 734
    Please refer to rule 10 and rule 5

    You've no won the Big Cup since 1902!
  • hodge68
    hodge68 Posts: 162
    Am i right in thinking its got shimano 5700 cassette and the rest ultegra. In which case couldn't you fit a 105 12-27 or ultegra 11-28. I changed my 105 to 12-28 tiagra from 105 12-25 and it made enough of a difference to help this fat bloke up the hills, that said my chain ring is a compact. Workshop should help, try in the search on cassette change.
    Im still fat and slow, but loving it. :D
    Ridley Boreas
    Spesh RockHopper pro
    Boardman cx comp
  • ALaPlage
    ALaPlage Posts: 732
    An 11-28 may help a little in achieving rule number 5 :D
    Trek Madone 5.9
    Kinesis Crosslight T4
  • 16mm
    16mm Posts: 545
    Your rear mech will have a max sprocket size that it can take. You'll be able to search online for this.
    So it's either a bigger sprocket, or a bigger sprocket and new mech.
    Either way you may also need a new (longer) chain to cope.
    If you really don't want to put a compact on, you could try a smaller rear wheel:-)

    OR just avoid the hills till you're fitter?
  • bobpowar
    bobpowar Posts: 10
    Looks like I better man up :shock:
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    What sort of hills are we talking? May help folk with their answers.
  • hodge68
    hodge68 Posts: 162
    I think the 6700 short cage has max tooth of 33 ( long 37) so if my maths are correct you have 52-39 eq 13 leaving you with a difference of 20 on the cassette, so surely you could go into the low 30s, as i said try the workshop thread, because i could be talking out my ar## . :shock:
    Ridley Boreas
    Spesh RockHopper pro
    Boardman cx comp
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Ultegra 6700 has a max sprocket of 27 apparently. So get that.

    If its still not enough - look into a smaller inner chainring ? You should be able to go to a 37.