Chain now too short?

porker33 Posts: 636
edited May 2012 in Workshop
I have just replaced a KMC chain on my 6700 Ultegra compact.

The chain arrived far too long, I took the trouble to measure and removed a few links before fitting the KMC split link.

I was always slightly concerned before that the chain rested on the derailleur when using the smallest cogs front and there is a 1cm gap...all good.

However if I go to the largest rear cog and front chain ring (I never ride that ever!) I find the derailleur is at quite an acute angle,,,yet still has spring tension and not at it's stops.

I rode the bike, the chain and gears work well (as before)...maybe I am being picky, but I feel I may have taken 1 more link out than perhaps I should have?

Is this likely to be a problem at any point....I can't see it being such a big deal, but wanted to check with the expertise on here.



  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    No it wont be a problem if you never use that gear.
  • porker33
    porker33 Posts: 636
    Tks for the response.
    Having now looked at a few responses on chain length via the search function.....I think I may be in good shape after all.