Using ferrules on these Campagnolo Ergo shifters?

Digger90 Posts: 143
edited April 2012 in Workshop
I recently bought these 2nd hand and have come to fit them but am not sure whether to use cable ferrules or not on the gear & brake cables inside the Ergo housing.

I have tried cables in the Ergo shifters to see what works and they fit either with i.e. both with and without ferrules. I am guessing that in this case they should be used with ferrules but is there a way of knowing for sure?

Also, can anyone accurately date these or is there a way of doing so?




Colnago C59
Colnago CLX 4
Turner 5 Spot
Turner Czar


  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    hi digger - ooh deep thought for a sunday - (heidegger, hi digger - see what i did there) - I asked the very same question a while back


    it depends on the type of ergo levers you have.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Those will take ferrules, you only forego the ferrules on the new Ultrashift and Powershift shape levers.
  • Digger90
    Digger90 Posts: 143
    Many thanks guys... will use ferrules.

    Anyone know how old they are? As they're 10spd I'm guessing they must be pre-2009, but is there any way of finding out for sure?
    Colnago C59
    Colnago CLX 4
    Turner 5 Spot
    Turner Czar
  • on-yer-bike
    on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
    They are the new shaped levers so not very old. I cant remember ever using ferrules in any Campag levers. You will find they wont fit in the holes
  • rpd_steve
    rpd_steve Posts: 361
    I've got the 2012 version and it says specificly NOT to use any in the fitting instructions, and my friend with a 2009 sets is the same. That said if they fit and are tight so thr overall length of the cable/ferrule does not wobble/change then they shouldnt cause any problems. I belive the thinking behind not using them is the angle of the cable into the shifter can change drasticly, specificly on the gear cable leading to the cable rubbing on the ferrule hole - making a bit more drag...

    That said my fitting book also says 'It is vital to ensure that the shifters are fitted in line exactly with the direction of travel - if not it will effect aerodynamics', and also 'it is critical you match the colour of you gear and brake cable housings'.

    So I wouldnt worry too much!
  • Digger90
    Digger90 Posts: 143
    They don't look like the current generation i.e. Ultrashift, 2008 - current (which is also 11spd not 10spd).

    I'm assuming these are pre-2008 but would like to find out the exact year.

    I've removed the rubber hoods and inspected the resin bodies and parts for any markings - annoyingly there are no markings whatsoever...

    As the front Ergo has the micro ratchet system instead of 3 clicks I know it isn't QS (which is a good thing)...

    Any clues on how to date these?
    Colnago C59
    Colnago CLX 4
    Turner 5 Spot
    Turner Czar
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    For info, QS isn't the non-ratchet thing, that's 'Escape'. QS is a slightly different amount of front mech cable pull for a shorter left ergo lever throw. They did tend to go hand in hand with Escape levers though, but you can get QS Chorus and Record levers which never had Escape.

    You could try contracting Campagnolo tech support for help in dating them?
  • 2alexcoo
    2alexcoo Posts: 251
    Digger90 wrote:
    They don't look like the current generation i.e. Ultrashift, 2008 - current (which is also 11spd not 10spd).

    I'm assuming these are pre-2008 but would like to find out the exact year.

    I've removed the rubber hoods and inspected the resin bodies and parts for any markings - annoyingly there are no markings whatsoever...

    As the front Ergo has the micro ratchet system instead of 3 clicks I know it isn't QS (which is a good thing)...

    Any clues on how to date these?

    They are from 2004-2006. Before that they were alloy, after that the QS version, then 11 speed from 2009.