Garmin Edge 500 no download.

Mark Alexander
Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
edited March 2012 in Workshop
Hi All, I hope that i'm all in the right section.

I have a Garmin Edge 500 and it will not download to my Mac.
I have tried an alternate USB cable and it worked once...
I get some status screens.
it records rides (i'm sure it's inacurate as it says my ave is under 17... lol)

I have not reset it as it has rides on it that I want in training.

There is a screen with a big cross on it, another with dots, greyscale gradient and data (looks like a status screen and finally the 3rd icon is an oblong box in the middle of the screen... I hope I explained them well.

Any inseight would be great thanks. :?

10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business


  • schweiz
    schweiz Posts: 1,644
    using garmin connect or another programme?

    Does the Garmin show up in the drives in Finder?
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    What browser are you using? Garmin Communicator doesn't work with some, e.g. Chrome.

    If you don't have auto pause on then the average speed will, I think, include stops. The moving average will appear in Garmin Connect. I'd turn on auto pause though, especially if you have the cadence/speed sensor.
  • Mark Alexander
    Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
    Don't wory, the ave speed comment was a joke. it records perfectly.

    I'm using Garmin software can't remember the name but not the online one.
    I'm also using Training peaks (that software doesn't recognise it either.

    The my MacBook is not recognising it as a hard drive but is charging.

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • schweiz
    schweiz Posts: 1,644
    have you tried a using a different usb port or do you always use the same one?
  • Mark Alexander
    Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
    I have used a different USB port.
    I called Garmin. they suggested press bottom left 'enter' button and plug it in whilst held down.
    I'll try this when I get home.

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    What browser are you using? Garmin Communicator doesn't work with some, e.g. Chrome

    I have no problems at all uploading rides to Garmin Connect using Chrome (on Windows).
    More problems but still living....
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    amaferanga wrote:
    What browser are you using? Garmin Communicator doesn't work with some, e.g. Chrome

    I have no problems at all uploading rides to Garmin Connect using Chrome (on Windows).

    Hmmm. I see it's now officially supported. Last time I tried it didn't work so I've been using FF. Might have another go now...