Frozen "wotsits"

warrerj Posts: 665
edited February 2012 in Road beginners
I'm new to this skinny tyre thing (been mountain biking for years). In the winter on my MTB I normally wear thermal tights with waterproof 3/4 baggies over the top. They keep me toastie warm no problem. As I'm "not allowed" :wink: to wear baggies on a road bike what do you keep things toastie?

I went out on Sunday afternoon and the avg. temp. was 1 deg. My upperbody & heat were fine, my hands and feet were a little chilly but not too bad and not what I'd call cold. My legs and more impartantly my "wotsits" were freezing! :cry:

HELP please!


  • StorckSpeed
    StorckSpeed Posts: 291
    edited January 2012
    When the temp drops to around zero, you have to watch all you extremeties including your old man..... :-)
    To quote an old camping term "If you've got cold feet wear a hat". Do this and you're hands and feet will probably be toasty too, provided your wearing windproof gloves, good socks and overshoes.
    I like this hat, it's not windproof but is nice and warm and breathes well so the top of your head doesn't get all sweaty. It's also fairly cheap. ... elID=18464
    As for the old man - I wear roubaix leggings with a pad, even then it can still get a bit chilly so I've found the best way is to buy your mid/thermal layer long, (preferrably without an elastic hem). Put on your base layer then the mid layer and the leggings over these. Pull the front of the thermal layer down to cover your privates and the jobs a good-un.......
    I was out the other day in -3deg and was thankfully frost bite free.

    Hope this helps.
    There's warp speed - then there's Storck Speed
  • nickel
    nickel Posts: 476
    Are you wearing roubaix tights?
  • Duffer65
    Duffer65 Posts: 341
    +1 for Roubaix bibs etc. My 'wotsits' were getting a little (literally) in the colder weather so I switched from normal lycra bibs to Roubaix and now all is well in the gentleman zone.
    Where would you be if you fell down a hole?.. Stuck down a hole... in the fog... Stuck down a hole, in the fog, at night... WITH AN OWL!
  • warrerj
    warrerj Posts: 665
    Nickel wrote:
    Are you wearing roubaix tights?
    I am. I have these

    I'm fine with the rest. Have windproof gloves, skullcap, softshell jacket, over shoes, merino thermals etc etc.
    My only problem is the the frozen "wotsits". I was looking around and found Gore do some windstopper bib tights anybody used these?
  • I use Gore Vista Windproof tights that work very well.The have windproof panels on the front to just below the knee.
    I also have a pair of Helly Hansen Windproof briefs that were available for runners a few years back. These have a windproof panel on the from and keep the "wotsits" warm. I wear them under roubaix tights. I don't think they are available any more, but maybe other running wear manufactures might have alternatives.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    +1 to the long thermal baselayer suggestion. Pull the front down and scoop your tackle into it before securing the shoulder straps of the bibs
  • Yep - I'm a scoopy tackle guy........ ;-)
    There's warp speed - then there's Storck Speed
  • warrerj
    warrerj Posts: 665
    Well guys I tried the scoop and tuck method tonight.

    1 1/2 hour track session in avg. temp of -1 deg with a low of -2 deg. My verdict - problem almost solved! Almost because about 1 hurs in my thermal puled up a bit and I half untucked :shock: i could REALLY tell which bits were untucked !!!!

    Cheers guys now all I have to do is sort a longer thermal or a better tuck technique :lol:
  • Or buy cycling/running tights to wear over your bibshorts ... £20, problem solved ...
  • As for the old man - I wear roubaix leggings with a pad, even then it can still get a bit chilly so I've found the best way is to buy your mid/thermal layer long, (preferrably without an elastic hem). Put on your base layer then the mid layer and the leggings over these. Pull the front of the thermal layer down to cover your privates and the jobs a good-un.......
    I was out the other day in -3deg and was thankfully frost bite free.

    Thanks StorckSpeed - just spotted this and experienced this same problem tonight. Will give this a go!
    Current bike: 2014 Kinesis Racelight T2 - built by my good self!
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    Summer bib shorts over Under Armour Cold Gear base layer mock neck top. Roubaix bib longs (no pad) over these, with winter cycling long sleeved top over the lot. Wind proof jacket in err pocket, or put on if I stop/ long fast descent.

    If you team up the shorts with winter walking socks (I have a pair of wollie Bridgedales) which cover most of the calfs that's virtually two layers top and bottom. With neoprene overshoes and winter gloves I'm good for just about all temperatures down to just below freezing. Got to keep the pace up though and I still get a sweat on! Hence the wind proof for stops. Did almost freeze my fingers off changing a tube the other day by the roadside.....ooh that was cold!

  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,892
    Rub some hot Sports Balm into him, that should do the trick!

    NB - I am joking, I did this by accident on my first ever road race 20 odd years ago and the very thought of it makes my eyes water!!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,892
    I tend to wear padded bibshorts under unpadded Roubaix tights and don't generally have any problems but this morning in -4 degrees I felt it a bit. If you are toastie with your baggies over tights then just do that, better to be warm and comfortable than to worry about the roadie fashion police :wink:
  • Pross wrote:
    Rub some hot Sports Balm into him, that should do the trick!

    As a kid I played a lot of football and one winters day I rubbed winter green into my thighs. A few minutes later, just before kick off I was standing around freezing and without thinking slipped my hands near the little guy to keep them warm..... within seconds I was running round the football pitch in terror as the burning sensations spread around. I was a laughing stock for weeks.
    There's warp speed - then there's Storck Speed
  • I bought some Crane windproof bib tights £18 Ebay they are padded and so warm I don't need anything else to keep the plumbs warm. Wind proof gloves and overshoes and a head band that covers my ears does me when it's down to 1 or 2 degrees as long as there's no ice on the ground I know I can ride and I'll be warm. Anyway Saturday I wore my shorts spring is here.
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Learn to live with it. The frozen rolo will thaw out (eventually). The really important bit is not to get undressed in front of your wife or girlfriend after a long ride. The resulting hilarity can be much more damaging than the cold itself.
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Gizmodo wrote:
    I can't believe no one mentioned wrapping them in cling film :wink:

    You're on the wrong forum.
