Sports Physio recommendation ?

kingrollo Posts: 3,198
edited January 2012 in Road beginners
I ve hardly been able to ride my bike since june. Main problem is that I find sitting uncomfortable - and a cycle saddle brings out the very worst. Since my mileage has dropped I have developed knee and ankle problems - and have been diagnosed with cartlidge loss in my right knee.

I have worked with an NHS physio - who has got my kneecap tracking better - and the knee problem alone wouldn't stop me cycling. Had a bike fit - and the problem occurs on any of my bikes I ride.

I think I need a cycling specific physio - to see if there is any way around the ass pain - i feel sure if I could get back on my bike - and build the muscles in my leg - the knee problem would go away.....

I live just outside birmingham - anyone know any cycling specific physios - and an Idea of cost ?


  • Cadence sport maybe able to help contact Adrian Timmis maybe able to help or point you in the right direction.