Hello and a request for any Ravensthorpe cc members

Posts: 520
Firstly I'm new here and like many others I'm making a return to cycling after many years away...
I used to do a lot of mountain biking and was one of the main organisers of the old YMBC race series. For the last ten yours or more I've been mainly rock climbing and doing other stuff, but always maintained an interest in cycling. In the last year or so I've got back into cycling initially through wanting to do some cycle touring in the Scottish isles, and have recently treated myself to a new road bike...
Anyway I've been toying with joining up to do the Saturday Ravensthorpe cc ride, but like many I'm a little worried if I'm up to a club ride. So I'd really like to have ridden the loop that they do on my own first to be sure I can do it, and to enjoy the ride. So can anyone provide mw with a map/directions for the loop?
Hope you can help, and thanks for all of the other interesting posts!
Firstly I'm new here and like many others I'm making a return to cycling after many years away...
I used to do a lot of mountain biking and was one of the main organisers of the old YMBC race series. For the last ten yours or more I've been mainly rock climbing and doing other stuff, but always maintained an interest in cycling. In the last year or so I've got back into cycling initially through wanting to do some cycle touring in the Scottish isles, and have recently treated myself to a new road bike...
Anyway I've been toying with joining up to do the Saturday Ravensthorpe cc ride, but like many I'm a little worried if I'm up to a club ride. So I'd really like to have ridden the loop that they do on my own first to be sure I can do it, and to enjoy the ride. So can anyone provide mw with a map/directions for the loop?
Hope you can help, and thanks for all of the other interesting posts!
If the club is anything like most clubs, they don't do just one loop,but have several different ones they plan on.
Not very helpful, I know, but i'd be surprised if only one loop was ever done.0 -
Good point. My understanding is that the club run on Saturday is the easy run and runs from just outside mirfield and goes out to the windmills cafe. It may well go different routes and I'd really appreciate details of any of them. I think the main club run is on Sunday and I'm sur that goes further and no doubt has many different routes...
Andy0 -
Presumably you have contacted via their own website and not just on a national/international forum? :?0
As it happens yes I have, I dropped the club secretary some mail before Xmas, but maybe the email address was out of date or they are away etc.
Whatever, is it such a bad thing to ask about what is probably a very good training ride in a popular cycling area, on a beginners forum? My post was pretty clearly titled so I'm sure anyone that lives outside of the area can ignore it if they want.
Anyway thanks for any help that anyone can provide...