Just for arguments sake, say........

Thelittlesthobo Posts: 184
edited January 2012 in Road beginners
I did a ride today
I approached a roundabout and as i slowed for the roundabout i put my arm out to indicate turning right.
As i turned whilst indicating a car came past on my right nearly hitting my outstretched hand.
I went ballistic and shouted at the car driver through his window after he stopped
He gets out and it turns out he is about 6'6" and about 20st
I stand my ground and we end up shouting at each other and his wife
He grabs me around the throat and i end up with a bloody nose.
He drives off
Plenty of witnesses offering to phone the police etc. I have numbers and reg number. TBH these were forced on me by the witnesses.

I musr admit i was rather angry and shouting at the bloke and his wife who kept saying it was my fault. I can take the physical bit on the chin as i could have ridden away. But the fact they didnt acknowledge any fault on the roundabout has me fuming still.

Oh and i dont want the wife knowing because she always worries whilst I am out on he bike.

Great end to 2011


  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,169
    sounds like he's as aggressive a driver as he is a debater

    tbh i try to ignore these idiots, they are just looking for someone to bully and cyclists are an easy target, glad you weren't badly hurt

    if you haven't reported it to the police, do it, he might do worse next time

    with the witnesses i hope they convict him, driving ban plus the birch would be about right
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041
    Regardless of how much shouting went on, if he grabbed you and chinned you, report it - it's assault.
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • Debating/arguing is one thing, but touching you is assault. Report it. What an absolute prick.
  • In isolation the way he drove is just an example of another neanderthal allowed behind a wheel. But as you seem to suggest he got violent then that is something the Police need to know about. The willingness of witnesses to provide details leaves you in no doubt as to their opinion..

    These bullies need to know they cant get away with using their size and fists to settle disputes. He who laughs last...

    Finally, keep positive, rise above it and enjoy your cycling!
  • golfergmc
    golfergmc Posts: 426
    Report him to the Police and get him convicted then take a civil suit against him for compensation and use the money to take a holiday/new bike gear/give to charity etc, hit him were it will hurt the most, his wallet!
    Cervelo S5 Team 2012
    Scott Addict R2 2010
    Specialized Rockhopper Comp SL 2010
    Kona Tanuki Supreme
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I was involved in a incident last year with a motorist which resulted in me receiving a cut to the head and a few stitches. Fortunately, it was witnesses by an off-duty policeman out for a bike ride. The perp tried to claim it was 'self-defence' - having forced us off the road and walk back 20 yards to pin me up against a wall and punched me. Anyway, he tried to plead not guilty, finally accepted a reduced assault charge the day before it went to court and he received a £500 fine and £200 costs for his troubles. You case sounds even more clear cut and I'd press charges.
    The police were pretty sympathetic in my case - I'm 5ft4" and the perp was a fat, knuckle-dragger with previous who could be barely waddle from his car ( I tried to knee him in the nuts but his belly got in the way!)
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    I've learnt from experience

    Avoid confrontations with drivers! They have a big metal box protecting them, you have a thin layer of lycra! The odds are not in your favour.

    Stay safe
  • racingcondor
    racingcondor Posts: 1,434
    Can't say from that who made the driving error, it could have been him with the all too common 'I'm not slowing down for a cyclist' mentality or could have been you indicating late without looking properly (and sticking your arm out as he came past). Without being there we can't say with any certainty (although I'd put money on the first, especially given the end of the story).

    That said he assaulted you and it was bad enough that members of the public got involved (took details and volunteered as witnesses). Report it, there is no justifiable reason why a traffic incident should escalate to violence.
  • Racingcondor, just to clarify your point. Say i had just been going straight ahead on the roundabout and the same thing happened he then would have been overtaking me on a roundabout. Doesnt matter if i indicated, indicated late, didnt indicate or decided to dance a jig, he has a duty to ensure he doesnt endanger me as i entered the roundabout.

    Thanks for the comments guys. Not sure what to do about it.

  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    If you were turning right, why did you leave room for someone to come past on your right?
  • I`ve noticed that the people who generally shout out the window or are aggressive towards me out on my bike are 8 times out of 10 either smoking or very fat.Sometimes both.These are the type of people of have never understood keeping fit or being considerate to anyone else other than themselves.
    I think the DVLC should implement a rule that before your allowed a car you must serve your time on a cycle as a kind of road and traffic awareness thing.And maybe if your not fit enough to handle a bicycle then why let them loose with a vehicle that`s potentially capable of murder. maybe i`m wrong there but it`s an idea
  • Hi Tom, I didnt. He went over the white lines in the middle of the road to get past me. By the time i was 10yds from the roundabout i was near the white line in the middle of the road with my arm out. He had to drive over the roundabout itself to force his way past.
  • I'd report him. Aggression and violence has to be punished - you had witnesses backing you up, so it should be relatively straightforward, at least to the point of making him really reflect on his behaviour.
  • did you report the mofo?
  • b16 b3n
    b16 b3n Posts: 301
    If he was 6ft 6 and built like a brick shit house. Did you not think avoid?

    Any way, thats classed as assault. report him