Help my poor cold feet



  • Canny Jock
    Canny Jock Posts: 1,051
    Diogenes wrote:
    exlaser wrote:
    seal skin waterproof socks work for me.

    +1, especially with neoprene overshoes when its really bitter.

    D :D

    And me, I would say that it's definitely worth a go - maybe thin merino socks, sealskinz, overshoes and block any holes in the shoes as mentioned above.
  • PostieJohn
    PostieJohn Posts: 1,105
    Well just back from this mornings spin.
    Firstly it's not cold, just wet and very windy.

    I sealed up the holes (it's amazing how easy it is to miss the obvious)
    I had my new Predas socks on.
    And my 'lesser' fabric overshoes.

    All good, my feet were the warmest they have been for a while.
    After the ride there was a minimal coldness and loss of colour in the very tips of my toes.
    That tells me they would have been colder, just a bit of a shame it is a mild morning!
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    Sounds more like a circulation problem than cold itself. I would suggest bigger shoes to accomdate thick socks.

    Another thing you can get is heated footbeds - not cheap - but you might want to google them
  • cougie wrote:
    I also think higher cadences help warm you up rather than pushing a big gear.

    Nah. The quicker your feet move, the lower the air pressure around them, heat transfers quicker into low pressure air hence your feet will get colder.

    Best way to avoid cold feet is to stay at home in front of the fire.

    I am in the real ale society forum right??