Sneaking new kit into the home

EPTR1 Posts: 21
edited January 2012 in Road beginners
What is the best way to sneak new kit, components, garmins, even bikes into the home without explaining to the wife how you found the money to pay for it? Any advice valued.


  • crankycrank
    crankycrank Posts: 1,830
    Tell her your girlfriend bought them for you. 8)
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    ^^^ This is a great idea. Failing that then fit the parts around at your mate's house and destroy the evidence when the bank statement turns up. :)
  • Man-up !

    Stand your ground.... It's not as if bikes are bad for your health.

    Count the number of shoes SWMBO has and compare :wink:
    All the gear, but no idea...
  • you could have an exceptional winning streak on competition entries :)
  • I have tried getting bikes delivered elsewhere (hmmm is this why I have 4 bikes in 3 different countries?)
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Always buy bikes in the same colour. My wife didn't notice my 18 speed Dura Ace bike had lost 17 of its gears and grown mudguards.

    That is until a jealous pal dobbed me in.
  • i know someone who had a simple rule about bike gear - everything cost no more than £35 - all was well until the washing machine decided to 'eat' the Assos Airjack - at which point his wife declared.

    "I dont know why you are so upset, it wasnt an expensive jacket at £35, could have been worse"
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    edited December 2011
    He he my misses has given up trying to monitor my purchases now! I have been selling stuff (non cycling collectors items from 80's and 90's) to try and fund the habit. But she just says what have you bought now?.... Still it's better than spending it on other women, beer and fags.

    Failing that the 'trade off' manoeuvre also works well, offer something or make a compromise on something to placate the other half.... My last one was the purchase of a bigger garden shed, in return for the acceptance of yet another bike (I had been holding my ground well against this at first but had to concede ground to facilitate the purchase)

    I do believe she expects me to move all my kit into it (or myself as well!) when it's erected, but that ain't gonna happen.... Perhaps.... Well...hopefully not...Maybe not...
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    Mad Roadie wrote:
    I have tried getting bikes delivered elsewhere (hmmm is this why I have 4 bikes in 3 different countries?)

    Sir Alan is that you? :D
  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    I've had that much kit and that many bikes come and go in the last three years, that my wife is past caring as she gave up trying to keep track some time back. I sold one of my bikes recently and with the proceeds, she's gone to New York with my son for a bit of Christmas shopping - she's happy, so no problems for me! :wink:
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    1) Don't tell her !! - My Mrs didn't notice the Garmin 800 I bought, se just presumed it was my existing computer.
    2) Camoflage. - My old wheels were white with black tyres. My new carbon wheels are black, so I put white tyres on them. She didn't notice.

    Of course, she may have noticed on both counts, and doesn't really care !!
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    He he very funny all part of life rich peagent. Funny enough I have said to the g/f if she came home with a 1000cc motorcycle, hang glider and extreme climbing gear I wouldn't really mind at all (so long as they were purchased with her own money) and I would be there to watch and support her in all her new hobbies.

    I suppose that's the difference between the sexes perhaps?
  • Nik Cube
    Nik Cube Posts: 311
    TBH i just man up between this years bike purchases and my hifi addiction my wife just accepts the parcels that arrive.

    I did feel a little guilty on my 4th new bike this year, but was grassed up by my 3 year old son who declared in a loud voice Daddy's got a new bike, a week after i took it home :roll:
    Fcn 5
    Cube attempt 2010
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    when my cervelo r5 turned up this summer i told the girlfriend 'i found it in the street'.
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    I built an extension on the front of the house to store the bike and its bits - saves me bringing new gear inside and out of sight is out of mind.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    My wife notices when the number of bikes exceed the number of hanging spaces in the garage and therefore obstructs her way to the tumble drier - the compromise we have reached is on 6 bikes, but the additional 8-odd pairs of wheels and various rims are also getting in the gets difficult to explain that for 1xCX race bike you need three extra pairs of wheels, each with a different tyre, depending on conditions. She reckon's Ebay is the spawn of the devil. I also have a walk-in wardrobe solely for my bike clothing which often spills out on the floor of the spare bedroom when I get back from an event.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • The general consensus gives clear indication to the fact that really, women are just a pain in the arse at home. My wife is exactly the same. There's not a bit of kit I own that I don't use (ok, maybe not my climbing shoes and harness so much now but it still comes out now and again) yet in her eyes it's all "stuff you don't need". Am I missing something here? :roll:

    In the 10 years we've been together, I've not once commented on a single purchase she's made other than to compliment her on a nice dress or whatever, yet every time I buy something, like the rest of you, I have to sneak it in the back door to avoid a load of grief.

    I mean seriously, I even have a secret bin! I have to hide the packing and rubbish somewhere before I burn it! :twisted:

    And that nonsense about manning up, I can put my foot down as much as I like and she won't argue, but I'll still get attitude for a fortnight. The only thing I could do to man up more is start wearing a string vest and show her the hairy side now and again which isn't going to happen.

    I just don't get why women seem to assume this position of ordering and bossing their men around all the time.

    I still hear the multitudes of miserable old men echoing in my head who I now know were actually wise and trying to help me by saying "Bit of advice son, if you value your life, don't get married!" :lol:
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    If you can't afford the kit, don't buy it. If you can afford the kit, buy it and tell the wife. If your wife is so bonkers as to care in the 2nd case, get a new wife, if you're bonkers enough for the 1st case, she'll get a new husband.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    jibberjim wrote:
    If you can't afford the kit, don't buy it. If you can afford the kit, buy it and tell the wife. If your wife is so bonkers as to care in the 2nd case, get a new wife, if you're bonkers enough for the 1st case, she'll get a new husband.
    +1 - absolutely agree! Who's the man of the house anyway? lol
  • matt581
    matt581 Posts: 219
    I always work on the 'Over price method'
    Take the value of the item you want and tell her the rrp +20%. Then you buy it and tell the actual rrp you brought it for and say you shopped around as you didn't want to wast money.

    Softens the blow and in some case you get to keep the extra 20% you put on in the first place and buy her dinner out..........or something else for the bike!
  • How does she sneak hers in?
    It's all relative, I now have 5 ties in slightly different shades of purple for one shirt and one funeral. How did that happen :D
  • similar views from a couple of months ago when I asked a similar question!!

    Portland Bill wrote

    "And that nonsense about manning up, I can put my foot down as much as I like and she won't argue, but I'll still get attitude for a fortnight."

    I'm feeling your pain bruv!!! lol
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    I just stuff the kit down the front of my shorts and tell her I'm pleased to see her. :D
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • peejay78 wrote:
    when my cervelo r5 turned up this summer i told the girlfriend 'i found it in the street'.

    All the gear, but no idea...
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    giant man wrote:
    jibberjim wrote:
    If you can't afford the kit, don't buy it. If you can afford the kit, buy it and tell the wife. If your wife is so bonkers as to care in the 2nd case, get a new wife, if you're bonkers enough for the 1st case, she'll get a new husband.
    +1 - absolutely agree! Who's the man of the house anyway? lol

    She is :lol:
  • Mr Will
    Mr Will Posts: 216
    A good friend's other-half is very understanding and doesn't mind him buying bike bits, but he had reached S-1 regardless.

    So recently he upgraded the frame on one of his bikes... then the wheels... then the groupset... then the bars, saddle, etc - all over the course of a couple of weeks.
    2010 Cannondale CAAD9 Tiagra
  • I have to sneak it in the back door to avoid a load of grief.

    Good on you, the normal outcome is the polar opposite. :oops:
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    I have to sneak it in the back door to avoid a load of grief.

    Good on you, the normal outcome is the polar opposite. :oops:

    Has this turned into a thread about the best lubricant now then?? :?:
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    markmod wrote:
    giant man wrote:
    jibberjim wrote:
    If you can't afford the kit, don't buy it. If you can afford the kit, buy it and tell the wife. If your wife is so bonkers as to care in the 2nd case, get a new wife, if you're bonkers enough for the 1st case, she'll get a new husband.
    +1 - absolutely agree! Who's the man of the house anyway? lol

    She is :lol:
    fook me ... :roll:
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    giant man wrote:
    markmod wrote:
    giant man wrote:
    jibberjim wrote:
    If you can't afford the kit, don't buy it. If you can afford the kit, buy it and tell the wife. If your wife is so bonkers as to care in the 2nd case, get a new wife, if you're bonkers enough for the 1st case, she'll get a new husband.
    +1 - absolutely agree! Who's the man of the house anyway? lol

    She is :lol:
    fook me ... :roll:

    Or should I say the answer is she likes to think she is :wink: