What to put in my rucksack?

rumbataz Posts: 796
edited December 2011 in Road beginners
I have a very small rucksack that i used to use when i was jogging to the gym. I don't have a saddle bag so want to use my rucksack to carry essentials on my bike rides.

So, what should i put in my rucksack that is useful or essential on a bike ride?


  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    is that after you work out how to set off, and stop!

    There are tonnes of threads on essentials - have a night in with some popcorn and the search function.

    Besides, you have already asked this:


    Don't want to be rude to a new rider, but spend some time using search and reading the board - much of it is there. Pump, phone, food, tyre levers and tubes, cash, and maybe a tool.
    I think MichaelW's post in the above thread covered that nicely.

    Sorry, I'm just cold tonight and it makes me sarcy. You'll get more good info back if you save your questions until you need answers, and search for the rest.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Make space for your laptop and wifi just in case you have any more cycling queries.
  • rumbataz
    rumbataz Posts: 796
    Okay, apologies for the questions on this beginner's forum. My previous thread about essential items was about items to buy with my bike. This one is about what to carry in a rucksack. I guess it is possible to ask too many questions on a forum so i shall keep quiet. Thanks to all who helped out in my other threads.
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    For rides under 25 miles, tubes, pump & phone

    Longer rides, as above with food

    Giving it Large
  • MichaelW
    MichaelW Posts: 2,164
    0-2 miles. Nothing
    2-5 miles. Basic puncture repair outfit, pump, levers, spare inner, spanner if needed.
    5miles+ Full repair kit will allen keys, multitool etc.
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    rumbataz wrote:
    Okay, apologies for the questions on this beginner's forum. My previous thread about essential items was about items to buy with my bike. This one is about what to carry in a rucksack. I guess it is possible to ask too many questions on a forum so i shall keep quiet. Thanks to all who helped out in my other threads.

    Man up - just like in real life, you have to take a bit of banter! You need thicker skin.... or....

    Forgot to mention a rain cape... for protection ( :wink: )
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    Why no to a saddle pack? Easy to forget something if you have to load it into a bag, if it's already on the bike then you can't forget it.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    A common observation is that the less experienced the cyclist, the more stuff they're inclined to carry. Huge seatpacks, bulging pockets and often backpacks acommodating....dead weight. To avoid mechanicals and the need to carry spares, good maintenance is key. Likewise, checking your tyres before you leave will help prevent punctures. I'm quite happy that a spare tube, multitool, sticky patches, a spare chain link and a pump is all I need and will easy fit in one jersey pocket. The other carry food, phone, money and a lightweight jacket.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Monty Dog wrote:
    A common observation is that the less experienced the cyclist, the more stuff they're inclined to carry. Huge seatpacks, bulging pockets and often backpacks acommodating....dead weight. To avoid mechanicals and the need to carry spares, good maintenance is key. Likewise, checking your tyres before you leave will help prevent punctures. I'm quite happy that a spare tube, multitool, sticky patches, a spare chain link and a pump is all I need and will easy fit in one jersey pocket. The other carry food, phone, money and a lightweight jacket.
    Dont forget a chain tool :D
    Twice I have helped someone who had a spare link but could not remove the damaged link.
  • I take 2 tubes in my jersey pockets, 2 water bottles, set of 3 tyre levers, 3 co2 cannisters, co2 pump, 2 sizes of allen keys, phone, id (for if I am found after an accident- It occured to me that if I get knocked out my next of kin would not know!), asthma puffer and house key.

    I carry the extra tube as I think if I ride through glass I will get both tyres, or I have a "good samaritan tube" if required, I always stop to offer help to others. I believe in Karma and other riders tend to offer help too

    I only ride up to 45km at a time so dont need any food or other items
  • anto164
    anto164 Posts: 3,500
    Marmalade sandwiches.