The Chicken: on Everything!

Doobz Posts: 2,800
edited December 2011 in Pro race
I know not many are fans of this dude but its the off season and not much else to read..
Michael Rasmussen: "I regret nothing"

Manager, co-owner and rider, Michael Rasmussen multiple caps in the formation Danish Christina Watches - Onfone, who currently plays in the third division. At 37, he already has almost everything, experience in cycling, but it does not count for much, stop there. Best known through the Tour de France, "Chicken" will, during the great mass of July, forged the most beautiful lines of his record, but also and above all, one of the darkest. His exclusion from the 2007 Tour when he had on his shoulders, the very coveted yellow tunic, a few days of arrival in Paris, will forever be marked in the history of the Tour. This image him sticks to this day to the skin. Yet he does not see what he could have changed and have no regrets. Michael Rasmussen , reached by phone, confides in Cyclism'Actu and discusses his team, his career and the many issues currently debated in the community. ..

Michael, let's talk about your team, Christina Watches - Onfone, after a year of existence, what is your assessment?

First of all, I mean that I am very pleased with our team, what we have accomplished, both in terms of sports, with our results and performance, but also on what we have managed to build . We were able to establish a good structure, with a competent staff and I am proud of the work of each member of Christina Watches - Onfone.

We know you want to change next season at Continental Pro, especially when applying for a place on the Giro which starts in the home, in Denmark. What do you miss it take to obtain this license?

We just lack a lot of money. It's simple. To be promoted, one must have sufficient financial contributions and for the moment, we do not have it. I expect the staff to try to find new sponsors that will help us raise money for us to claim a place in Continental Pro, but it is a work in progress.

Do not you think that you are preventing access to this level?

No, I can not imagine that. I do not see why you would not want our team to Pro Continental.

Your team has to engage the services of Stefan Schumacher. What can you tell us about it?

We recruited because, first of all, we need to get by in rider against the clock. We lack specialist chrono so I think it's a very good recruit from this point of view. But it is also a fantastic rider, who has a very nice track record and we are pleased to have him for next season. It will be a great help and I think it will bring many young riders in our team. It will obviously be our leader on many races.

Is this the newest member of your team?

We do not know yet. I have a long, very long list of riders that could have the profile to run on our team, but for now nothing is signed.

"I hope to return to the Tour de France"

Second part, your career. After a long career, what was your best memory, your greatest victory?

During my career, I had a great time as my mountain bike world title (1999) among others. I have so many fond memories that I do not know which to choose. Anyway, to me, my greatest victory is that I gained the summit of the Col de l'Aubisque, during the Tour de France 2007.

If you were to repeat your career, is there one thing you like to change?

About my cycling career, I do not see what I could change. I have no regrets. I just wish, perhaps, leave the bike a little earlier to concentrate mainly on the road, the discipline in which I was more feeling.

Do you think that we can see you again one day in the Tour de France, as a rider or manager?

As a runner, it seems very complicated, I do not think. I do not think I can be one day in the beginning, at least on a bike. However, as a manager, I think it's widely as possible within the next few years. This will not happen today or tomorrow, but probably in a few seasons. I hope so anyway.

"You have to adapt"

Focus on 2012, what is your race program, and that of your team?

Christina Watches - Onfone begin his season at the Tour de San Luis, Argentina. This is a great opportunity for a team ranked in Continental to participate in such a beautiful event where there will be a beautiful plateau. I hope to have a good race and why not rank well in the end. It is important to start the season. After that, we do not yet know precisely our race program because we expect the responses of different organizers. The only thing we are sure that we have increased the requests for invitations and we had for the moment very few answers. We will certainly set at the last moment.

Will we see you all in France next season?

Yes, I think we will be present during the Tour of Normandy, it is very likely in any case. But it has also applied for a place on other French races but it is too early to know what we will be starting.

It is therefore difficult to plan goals a season if you do not yet know exactly what your race program ...

Sure ... but we are sure to be present on the Tour of Denmark. This is the main objective for our sponsors, Christina Watches - Onfone. But after that, it's true that we still know very little details of our calendar. We must know how to adapt.

"I remain faithful to what I say"

You explained recently why you lied about your location in 2007. Why did you finally, four years later, chose to explain?

In fact, I never changed its position since the last four years. I remain faithful to what I say. In 2007, I had already said that I had a brief stint in Italy, I did not say just why this trip and I just recently confessed. And I have nothing to say.

Do you think being a scapegoat in the fight against doping and have to pay for others?

No, not really. Finally, I do not think, I hope not.

In your opinion, do you think that nowadays it is possible to win the Tour de France without doping?

I think it's possible to finish second, third or fourth without resorting to doping. So I do not see why that would not also for the first place. We can win the Tour de France without doping.

"A difference in treatment between cyclists and footballers"

What is your opinion about the case Alberto Contador?

I think it's a very embarrassing affair. Very embarrassing for cycling. This story took too much time for me and one is a lot to think about it. International bodies have not the courage to make a decision ... But I wanted to point out also that the World Anti-Doping Agency does not consider it the same way athletes tested positive for clenbuterol. There is a difference in treatment between cyclists and football players for example. We really are dealing with two weights, two measures, and I find that unfortunate.

And what do you think if your countryman Alex Rasmussen?

This is another embarrassing case, but this time for the International Cycling Union (who had informed too late runner missed his third control). I hope that now inform the international federation, the next time, the rider immediately to prevent a new case be closed on procedural ...

Finally, what can we wish you for the rest of your career?

I wish now to continue to develop the structure Christina Watches - Onfone so that we can be assured of being promoted in 2013 by Continental Pro. I also want to help our young riders to progress and shine on many races.
Interview by Renaud Breban (with Alexandre Rolin)

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  • Thanks for posting. The guy is slightly deluded it seems to me. It makes you wonder though why people put money into sponsoring teams like those - not sure of what type of money is involved but seems like they don't get much back.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    I guess its all publicity - I now know who Cristina watches are. Why is Chicken blacklisted, anyway? I mean, what has he done that is so much worse than Vino, Valverde, Bertie, Di Luca etc etc? He seems to get a rawer deal than most - a bit like Heras. Am I missing something?
  • He hasn't go enough (or any?) friends in the Procycling world, would be my answer.
  • alan_a
    alan_a Posts: 1,584
    In your opinion, do you think that nowadays it is possible to win the Tour de France without doping?

    I think it's possible to finish second, third or fourth without resorting to doping. So I do not see why that would not also for the first place. We can win the Tour de France without doping.

    Erm... most, if not all, would say that Evans won this year without doping. Stupid question, odd answer.