Routing Cables under grip tape..

CrazyChimpJimbo Posts: 47
edited November 2011 in Workshop
Hi all

On my bike I currently have 105 shifters feeding Ultegra Brakes and Gears, the Ultegra brake lines hide neatly under the tape and the gears do the usual swirl from shifter to frame!

Now night time has come out to say hello and cycle time equals light time Im finding Im getting some glare from the gear cables reflecting the light so........ This has got me thinking........ Has anyone ever also routed the gear cable around the same path as the brakes under the tape and would this cours any problems? :|


  • fish156
    fish156 Posts: 496
    With the older 105 "washing line" shifters, I don't think it's possible to bend the cabling though such an acute angle that would allow you to feed them under the bar tape.

    You'd need to buy the lastest generation 105 levers (5700) that have the gear cables exiting under the bar tape rather than out to the side.
  • Yep mine are the 105 5600's hahaha! I've tested the concept and it still shifts but there is no pretty way of entering the bar tap and over time not sure its best to have the cable at that angle! Thought maybe there was some a method to it but like my suspicisions looks like im gonna have to change shifters!
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Some years ago I remember seeing pics of a pro rider's bars where the mechanic had used a length of Nokon outer to get the tight turns neccessary to do this. Looked weird but apparently worked.

    As already mentioned, you could always get some 5700 shifters, or look for some Ultegras on Ebay. Or switch entirely to Campag.
  • See I would switch to Campag as there shifters but would they work with shimano ultegra front and rear derailuers?
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    No. Well not easily anyway. That's why I said switch entirely.

    Ultegra shifters off Ebay probably your cheapest option
  • Well gonna try the super cheap method and give routing it a go, if I end up with to many problems ill simply buy new gear cable set and the sort the shifters otherwise if it works Ill post some photos!! I guess the trick will be not putting a 90 degree or less bend in haha!
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    If it's reflection on the outers - could you wrap them with matt black tape of some sort?

    Personally, I'd go Campag :)
  • xixang
    xixang Posts: 235
    keef66 wrote:
    Some years ago I remember seeing pics of a pro rider's bars where the mechanic had used a length of Nokon outer to get the tight turns neccessary to do this. Looked weird but apparently worked.

    was eric zabel, see pic (not zabel but same idea)
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    I'd just see if hanging the lights under the bars solved the problem. 30 seconds to find out rather than a load of faff and nasty high friction shifting ever after!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Tried the under the bars and still getting the same! However under the bars and out to the right or left clears the problem but then the main focus of the light when not on strobe is to far over!!

    So took the tape of my bars and rerouted the cables around the bars, so far the gears shift fine! Does look a bit weird with almost like a loop of cable, I would say the 105 5700's definately would have a clearer finish but this saves me having sell and buy!

    Always seems like I'm tinkering!! what with that and my Hope Vision 2 in bits as Im changing the LED's and Driver for triple the power makes me wonder if one day I will just stop tinkering and use what I have ahhaa
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I have 105 5600's with the washing line effect. Didn't even think about lighting when ordering the bike. I just put up with it ATM. Not concerned about reflection from the cable outers (black) but do find the shadows a bit annoying. I feel it's like the Bat symbol, only I'm advertising McDonald's instead.
  • keef66 wrote:
    I feel it's like the Bat symbol, only I'm advertising McDonald's instead.

    Hahahaha I said almost the same thing to someone! The reflection is only when running my hope vision 2 at medium onwards, low level and strobe its fine. Little things annoy me and its just one of them!!

    Ill post pics later although I think if I decide to keep this method I will use the Nokon outer cables.