"It's become a culture thing"



  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    DesWeller wrote:
    Jesus Christ. Have we not done this topic to death a million times over on this forum? We're not so much flogging the dead horse as trying to beat the bloody strips of shredded horsemeat into the turf.

    Ah! you have reached saturation point of Biker Radar usage....
    take a holiday 'cos thredz like champion jerseys, red lights, hi viz, club snobs. mtb'ers pretendin to be roadies but wearing baggies are always always gonna turn up like a bad smell in a crowded lift.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    First off it's an offence. It's the officers choice whether they issue words of advice,a FPN or report you for summons. If there is no one around they wouldn't have seen you to be dealing with you in the first place. I suspect there was more to this than is being told for them to be dealing robustly with you There was obviously traffic around because you've said you wanted to get across the dual carriageway ahead of the traffic. .

    No officer will penalise a cyclist that goes through a red provided they have stopped and it is obvious that the light isn't going to change for them and as long as they then proceed through the light safely. Going through just to get ahead of the traffic or because you can't be arsed to stop will get you a ticket.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Dmak wrote:
    I have absolutely no problem with running red lights on my bike. Late at night, on deserted roads, no cars or people in sight....it would be stupid and pointless to stop.

    During the day on the other hand, you can't even trust the green light let alone run the red.

    One of the comments that actually contains "common sense". A quality that is quite clearly lacking for many idiots on this site and for people in general nowadays.

    Certain muppets are declaring that you should NEVER ride through a red light.

    I have a four way traffic light junction near me. I ride through it at least twice a day. Sometimes I ride through it late at night and I will approach the lights - with no traffic around, and it will change to red.

    I can see and hear all the other routes and a lot of the time there is no other traffic or paedestrians - but the lights have changed to red. WTF?!

    Am I seriously expected to wait there - because it is "the law" even though there would be no one to report me apart from the invisible man?

    Get real - FFS
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Yup - no sympathy for shooting a red light.

    That said, I'm really pissed off with the one crossing I use. It broke and, since they fixed it, there's a half minute wait to cross. 95% of the time there's an opportunity to cross safely before the lights change. Result is that the cars are often stopped for no reason. I've phoned twice to get it changed back to the almost instant change that it was. Much safer and the cars get stopped for a reason so less tempted to jump the light.

    You seem to be pretty certain of your views after your first statement.

    As Alan Partridge would say - the rest of your post is just noise!

    Enjoy sitting at red lights for absolutely no reason. lol
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    walsht1105 wrote:
    Nothing wrong with going through a red light if it is safe to do so and it doesn't affect any other road users/pedestrians, simple common sense.. If you going through the red light means someone has to avoid you, when they have the right of way then you shouldn't do it..

    If running a red light doesn't affect anyone what's the problem?

    Because as so many anal people on here would love to point out to you, "it's the law"!!

    And presumably these holier than thou judges NEVER exceed the speed limit by even 1 MPH when driving. They NEVER talk on their phones when driving. And they ALWAYS indicate where needed when driving.

    Cos, ya know - it's the law!!
  • Garz
    Garz Posts: 1,155
    where I live theres a set of lights at a junction that are set on green permanently through the night so traffic can flow and only go red when triggered by a car. I've done really early morning rides (5.30 - 6am) from the side where they are on red and you have to wait for a car to trigger them .....or go through. Technically breaking the law, but with no one about it's not much of an issue. Wouldnt do it anyother time of day though.

    This is true, and as it seems quite common maybe they should address the sensors as it blatently encourages RLJ when in fact the cyclist cannot legally get around this technicality.

    I have spoken to friends in the police and they tend to ignore these instances and the more common traffic offences as it soaks up their time. Hit and miss dependant on what mood they are in.
  • wilshawk
    wilshawk Posts: 119
    I stop at the majority of lights but there are times when its totally safe to jump a light and I do so, If you got penalized in such a case Im sorry for you. I always look over my houlder for a quick 'police check' before breaking any rules.
  • it makes us all look like tossers to other road & pavement users and gives spurious justification to the frothy mouthed ranters of Daily Mail land but riders are either pro or anti it & all the arguing in the world won't make a difference.

    If you're gonna do it, do it, cos you were gonna do it anyway but don't come bleating on here about being hard done by if you get caught because however silly or badly aimed a law it may (or may not) be, it is the law and those in jobs of enforcing & upholding that are perfectly entitled to 'get you' for it.

    you gambled, you lost, MTFU
  • it makes us all look like tossers to other road & pavement users and gives spurious justification to the frothy mouthed ranters of Daily Mail land but riders are either pro or anti it & all the arguing in the world won't make a difference.

    If you're gonna do it, do it, cos you were gonna do it anyway but don't come bleating on here about being hard done by if you get caught because however silly or badly aimed a law it may (or may not) be, it is the law and those in jobs of enforcing & upholding that are perfectly entitled to 'get you' for it.

    you gambled, you lost, MTFU

    Did I say I was hard done by, No , did I complain about getting caught, No, just thought I would 'advise' other's that actually 'read' post's that if you do rlj don't expect a warning, my officer stated they are issuing tickets, no excuses.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    chrisc2151 wrote:
    Those are the words used by a traffic cop on a motorbike to me today when I passed through a Red pedestrian traffic light(slowly) with not a pedestrian in site, using the Red light as an opportunity to get over to the right on a dual carriageway safely, it would not be so bad if I was a regular Red light jumper and got caught. "We are going to stamp it out by issuing tickets, NO warnings NO excuses". That's £30 in the Xmas fund for Old Bill. So be warned, they are out to get you. :roll:

    Reads pretty much like whining to me.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.