Chainset removal - I'm a tool

jbwilliamz Posts: 187
edited September 2011 in Workshop
Found an old winter frame I wanted to build up...long story short, I messed up. Big time.

I tried removing the cranks (old Shimano 105 - English thread BB?) with the tool, but it looks like the domed end of the crank pulling tool wasn't on before I tightened it up -> ... ller-tool/

When I everything was tightened, a ring from the crank puller has stuck inside the crank and I'm unable to get the cranks off...unfotunatley, a friend (also a tool) had a go when I went to check on the net. The same thing has happened on the other crank where there's a ring left in the crank from the tool.

So that's two crank pulling tools broken and two jammed cranks. Yay for me.

Is there anyway around this?

If so, I promise I'll stay away from bikes again and also release my friend from the garage.



  • I did something similar on a cheap hybrid a couple of years ago, used the wrong bit in the crank puller and ended up stripping the threads on the drive side. I ended up taking an angle grinder to the chainset but then again this was a chainset that could be replaced for £15-£20. Worth trying to get it off undamaged if it’s decent kit.

    You could try a gear puller or a ball joint splitter (both can be had online for less than a tenner). Spray a load of WD40 or penetrating oil in there and leave over night before trying either.

    Failing that your LBS might be able to help.
  • Sounds about right.

    I'm not overly fussed about the's a triple and the rings have had a lot of wear. I'll more than likely take it to the LBS and let them have a crack on it.

    Thanks fella!