Surrey Cycle Classic (i.e. Olympics test run)



  • ednwireland
    ednwireland Posts: 85
    edited August 2011
    looks like the BBC cant be bothered howing highlights hour long sailing show today, great promotion for the olympic road race bbc (that or they couldnt string a highlights package together from their footage)

    cheers RichN95
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    looks like the BBC cant be bothered howing highlights hour long sailing show today, great promotion for the olympic road race bbc (that or they couldnt string a highlights package together from their footage)

    The highlights are on tomorrow.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Atka
    Atka Posts: 2
    pomtarr wrote:
    I suppose that's what the whole event was for: make mistakes now so they can be learnt from before next year.

    Re: the marshalls - it's pretty simple
    Step 1. Have a big meeting before the race with all of the marshalls.
    Step 2. Tell them to wait for the broom wagon.
    Step 3. Err, that's it.

    It really isn't that simple, if they simply opened the road after the broom wagon you'd have the public in cars thinking they could follow and pass the race - public crossing when vechicles were on the course, take down crew wagons stuck in public traffic and I'm sure there would then be more negative comments about how incompetent the organisation was. By the way your understanding of this level of event is shown in your comment - the broom wagon is NOT the last vechicle in the race convoy.

    I worked on this event and from the point of view of the riders and those travelling with the race it was well run, ultimately that is the criteria that really counts.

    To all the others moaning on here-

    It would be great for everybody to get to see the race where they wanted however this is not possible,there were miles of road were access was open to anybody and by the numbers lining the route many came out and watched, if you want to get close to the race then you should stop moaning and volunteer to marshal and give something back to the sport rather than bitching about how simple it is to run an event of this level.

    There were two climbs on the course, everybody seams to be so focussed on Box hill they overlook the earlier climb, when I rode up the 1st climb ahead of the riders it was full of spectators standing in the road to the degree that I couldn't tell where the road was going and had to blow my horn constantly to get the idiots out of the road. I don't want to see that on box hill and nor do the riders, the race is about the riders and they should be free to race without hindrance of the public standing in the road restricting the road and opportunities to attack. As we have seen on a number of occasions in the grand tours spectators can cause crashes, I'm sure that none of us want to see an Olympic race marred by some spectator causing a crash and changing the result of the race, therefore on this race above all others spectators need to be controlled.

    The organisation has said it will make more space available on box hill to watch, this has to be done in a manner that still allows enough road for the riders. if it can be done great , but no matter how much space they create there will not be enough for the demand on Olympic race day.

    In terms of the test event the biggest problem after the race had passed was a breakdown of radio communication which delayed the opening of the roads. I am sure this will not be repeated. It was intended that the roads would open an hour after the race passed,
  • roberts8
    roberts8 Posts: 18
    Regarding Boxhill.
    The road is wide enough for two cars to pass in most places and the side opposite the important orchid patch, which I agree should be fenced off, is an unofficial footpath and a stopping place for cars to admire the view. This area is not of significant environmental importance, if it is then the NT are sadly lacking. the bottom bend has a small carpark and a turning point for the NT to feed sheep and access areas. The second bend is a tarmac entrance to a residential care home and the third bend may or may not be of importance, not sure. surely people could be allowed to walk up the road and stand on the mentioned ares and on one side of the road with no impact on the local environment. It seems to work most place in Europe. If people would only approach it sensibly from both side it could hopefully like a the Mur. Then again maybe I am just too optomistic for my own good.
  • natrix
    natrix Posts: 1,111
    As I've mentioned previously I spectated at Boxhill with a group of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and other adult leaders. We were very pleased to receive this email from the police (I put the Anon in):

    Dear all

    As one of the police escorts for the Surrey Classic Cycle race on Sunday I would like to pass on my thanks to all the groups, leaders and individual members who turned out on Sunday to cheer us all on, especially the group on Box Hill who had members of every section out in uniform. The cheers and shouts of encouragement kept us going all day, I know you were there for the cyclists but it makes our job more fun if we have a good crowd. Non of us in the escort unit expected there to be anywhere near as many people out along the route as there were. They were a dedicated lot who stayed to the very end waving and cheering every one even the very last car in the convoy which was me.

    Many Thanks

    PC 'Anon' Central Escort Group

    Its the little things like this that help massively with community relationships with the police :-)
    ~~~~~~Sustrans - Join the Movement~~~~~~
  • Also saw the women's Dutch team take a recce. Got a wave from Vos :) ... cours.html

    Also Emma Pooley interview about next year:
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Nice to see that someone got a thank you email following the event - it's a pity LOCOG haven't got around to thanking the 2000-odd potential 'Gamesmakers' who gave up most of their weekend to help out :roll:
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..