Crap app

AlunP Posts: 106
edited July 2011 in Pro race
Most of ITV's iPhone app doesn't work at all. A waste of money which relies on the fact that people can't be bothered to try to reclaim a couple of quid. Being a stroppy bugger I am inclined to report it to Trading Standards....

The 'Official' Tdf app at a mere 59p does work. It wouldn't start at all last week but now seems to be fine. It's sponsored by erm ...Skoda :lol: so feel free to add Skoda jokes to the thread.


  • AlunP
    AlunP Posts: 106
    ...and I have emailed the developers of the TDF official app asking to put a race radio feed in next years app. Better than having a commentator explaining why "everybody has to be at the front "

    Feel free to request this too at
  • k-dog
    k-dog Posts: 1,652
    Yeah, I read a few reviews - so didn't download it.

    I got the 59p one when i was away last week and it's been great. Quick to update and lots of info on it.
    I'm left handed, if that matters.