
williswillis Posts: 4
edited June 2011 in Road beginners

Starting to get keen on road cycling, used to do a fair bit of mountain biking and have reasonable experience on the road.......

To start racing, how good do you have to be? :P
For example, what sort of average speed would you need to keep up on say.. a 50 mile route? etc

Also, any tips regarding training and general beginner stuff would be much appreciated.
Thanks! :D


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    If you do a fair bit of MTBing then aim for an average of 26mph
  • Also, is 19 too late for thinking seriously about road racing?
  • blackhands
    blackhands Posts: 950
    No 19 is not too old. Also, for a 50 mile road race average speeds are likely to be about 22 to 25 mph. But if you stay in the peloton, for 25% of the time you will be doing zero work, and for a good proportion of the rest of the time you will not be flat out, but drafting.
  • Sweet, cheers for the message.

    how many hours/miles would need to be put in per week for training?
  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    Sweet, cheers for the message.

    how many hours/miles would need to be put in per week for training?

    2 hours of quality intervals will be better than 12 hours of junk miles - how long is a piece of string?

    Get to a club and try yourself out on club runs - you'll soon find out if you are good enough to race.