Boardman Road Team Carbon 2011 PAINTWORK!!!



  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    togg wrote:
    Unless you've seen it in Halfords with your own eyes, you can't really comment on it and say it's unidirectional or whatever
    togg wrote:
    I'd love to see some close up pics of anyone who's got this exact bike, the website pictures don't show the patchy carbon even when zoomed in.

    Make your mind up! Besides, it was pretty obvious on the review that you posted the link to.

    And I think we can say it is unidirectional because that is the sort of CF Boardman use. With your logic I don't even know that Australia exists because I've not seen it with my own eyes :lol:

    It's probably time to buy the bike or shut up.......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    GMB wrote:
    While I'm on, does anyone know where I can get bar tape in bone, my LBS only has eggshell blue or pale nimbus. I'll never go back there again.

    My LBS had some in tope. Well, he said it was tope but it looked more like grey/oatmeal to me. Would that do?

    OP - If you aren't happy with a raw carbon frame (many would swap places with you!), you could always paint it or even just lacquer it.
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Christ! From the above blog (remember it's a blog, that's some random bloke who could be a complete 'tard):
    The main comment I had was about the finish on the frame. It was patchy and this was picked up on by nearly everyone that looked at the bike. The previous 2010 model had a gloss finish to it, the 2011 model opting for the new matt black look. There were obvious blemishes in the frameset, I'm sure that they will iron this out.

    Erm, well no, they won't 'iron this out' because 'this' is REAL carbon fibre bicycle construction. The 3k/12k weaves you commonly see are purely cosmetic layers of fabric applied over 'this' 'patchy' finish. Conclusion, bloke is writing sh!t on his blog. This is why blogs should be treated as just blogs.

    You want paint and cosmetic layer then you get a heavier frame. I know it's not much, but the market appears to be obsessed by the tiniest of weights. Boardman are simply catering to the market.

    I agree, chuck this in the Beginners section where it belongs. Shame there's not an idiots one (fair enough the initial question, but dismissing everyone's suggestions that it is actually fine is plain idiotic).
  • Pseudonym
    Pseudonym Posts: 1,032
    togg wrote:
    I still really want to buy it
    togg wrote:
    I've not been convinced so far, still undecided.

    Both these comments appeared in the same sentence. You're not making any sense.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    togg wrote:
    Unless you've seen it in Halfords with your own eyes, you can't really comment on it and say it's unidirectional or whatever, I still really want to buy it while the 10% reduction is still on. I've not been convinced so far, still undecided.

    Yes we can. It is 'uni-directional' carbon fibre because that is how you make carbon fibre bicycles. The weaved stuff would make a terrible feeling bike as the nature of such a weave pattern creates strength in all directions whereas uni-directional construction allows for targeted strength and targeted comfort (or lesser strength).

    In short, it's comestic, purely aesthetic. The workmanship is 100% fine. If you disagree, you are wrong. (it's not just my opinion, it's a fact). To be honest, for someone who is seemingly obsessed with appearances, it baffles me why you're looking at a Boardman - they're not pretty by a long shot. However they are very good bikes.
  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    Have a look at the black Canyon bikes on their website - you can zoom in and clearly see these 'imperfections' Some like this look other like the white painted option.
    I like the simplicity of the black but would prefer the white paint - so white without as many logos :wink:

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • togg
    togg Posts: 80
    In my opinion, the mass market which these bikes are aimed towards will not accept a finish of this type, whether it's normal or not, based purely on appearance this bike will be very difficult to shift and will be heavily reduced in price. I suppose if it had a small notice saying the finish will be uneven, or Halfords staff had any knowledge, i would have bought it. I'm not an expert on Carbon material in general and I'm sure most other people aren't.

    I've had cars, watches, etc with minor problems in finish and it's always been addressed in my favour. I was ideally looking for people who owned this exact bike or who have witnessed the horror of the frame with their own eyes. You know what they say "customer is always right"
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    togg wrote:
    I've had cars, watches, etc with minor problems in finish and it's always been addressed in my favour. I was ideally looking for people who owned this exact bike or who have witnessed the horror of the frame with their own eyes. You know what they say "customer is always right"

    It isn't a problem with the finish - that's how it is meant to be. If you aren't going to listen to what people say, why even post?

    And the only people who say "the customer is always right" are idiots. A lot of the time, the customer is a blithering idiot. True, the Halfords staff should have been able to put you straight but you wouldn't have listened to them anyway, would you?
    Faster than a tent.......
  • togg
    togg Posts: 80
    I hope I haven't upset too many peple on here, I was being sarcastic saying "customer is always right" but they do get it how they want it just look at the supermarkets, had a close look at the canyon website and zoomed in, and yes that's constructive. I was seeking advice and opinions and appreciate your input. Think I'm too late to get the 10% discount? Ends tomorrow? At Halfords.
  • rozzer32
    rozzer32 Posts: 3,923
    FFS Togg are you still going on about this???

    Are you just a total idiot?? Read what people have said. There is no problem with the frame! It's how uni-directional carbon fibre is meant to be.

    A small notice saying the finish will be uneven? Maybe a sign saying if you're a total f**king idiot then don't buy this bike.

    Please go to Halfords and complain about the uneven finish and demand discount and let us know how you get on :)
    ***** Pro Tour Pundit Champion 2020, 2018, 2017 & 2011 *****
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    My bike is the same raw unidirectional finish, it's not so patchy as the Boardmans (yes I have seen them), but then I'd like to think my frame is a lot better quality and I paid more for it.

    But there are still visible patches, I look at it as a kinda tortoise shell effect or the inside of a oyster. It's natural and makes you bike unique and special. (Am I selling it too you yet ;) )

    Buy the bike, enjoy the bike and forget about the finish.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    togg wrote:
    Think I'm too late to get the 10% discount? Ends tomorrow? At Halfords.

    Yes - ends tomorrow. That means you still have tomorrow. You could even reserve it online now.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • togg
    togg Posts: 80
    Really? So if I press the button and reserve it now I'll still get the 10% off tomorrow, even though it ends tomorrow? Do I sound a bit stupid? I just don't fully understand that's all. Anybody want to hear the story about my new ROLEX? Not being a Bertie big bollox or anything its just interesting and relevant to this tale, I feel anyway.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    togg wrote:
    Anybody want to hear the story about my new ROLEX? Not being a Bertie big bollox or anything its just interesting and relevant to this tale, I feel anyway.

    Yes please, and i'll tell you about my carrera s story.
  • rozzer32
    rozzer32 Posts: 3,923

    Please do not feed the troll!!
    ***** Pro Tour Pundit Champion 2020, 2018, 2017 & 2011 *****
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    This bike is aimed at enthusiastic club cyclists. I don't think this bike is for you.
    togg wrote:
    Anybody want to hear the story about my new ROLEX?

    No thanks. In fact you don't need to say another thing.
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • togg
    togg Posts: 80
    Ok no worries I won't ever comment on this again, I don't have a Porsche either, many thanks for all your advice on this subject, I'm buying the bike, thanks again.
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    edited June 2011
    I knew you would if I said that :D

    Hopefully the thread has shown you what this bike is all about.

    Enjoy your Boardman... we do.
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    togg wrote:
    Ok no worries I won't ever comment on this again, I don't have a Porsche either, many thanks for all your advice on this subject, I'm buying the bike, thanks again.

    You do know about not letting raw carbon get too hot in the sun don't you?

    It is a fantastic bike but there are a few things you need to know about raw carbon.